For the grounds set forth in this chapter including, but not limited to, subsections 8-5-7-2M and 8-5-7-4L of this chapter, the department may suspend, revoke or deny a permit issued under this chapter for violations of this chapter. In the case of the suspension, revocation or denial of an operating permit, the department shall give notice of the suspension, revocation or denial to the property owner. In the case of the suspension, revocation, or denial of a construction permit, the department shall give notice of the suspension, revocation or denial to the permit holder or permit holder's agent.
The property owner, permit holder or permit holder's agent, whichever the case may be, shall be granted a public hearing upon at least ten (10) days' notice before suspension, revocation or denial is ordered by the department.
For purposes of this section, "notice" shall mean, in the case of a property owner, written notice served upon the property owner by certified mail, served upon the property personally or served upon the property owner by leaving the same at the property owner's usual place or abode with someone of suitable age and discretion and in the case of a permit holder or permit holder's agent, written notice served upon the permit holder or permit holder's agent by certified mail, served upon the permit holder or permit holder's agent personally or served upon the permit holder or permit holder's agent by leaving the same at the permit holder or permit holder's business with the person in charge thereof.
The notice shall state the time and location of the hearing and shall state the grounds for suspension, revocation or denial. No suspension, revocation or denial shall take place until the property owner or permit holder or permit holder's agent, whichever the case may be, has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing with an opportunity to be heard and present evidence. The matter shall be heard by the city's community development director, who shall issue written findings supporting the suspension, revocation or denial within thirty (30) days.
Any property owner or permit holder or permit holder's agent, whichever the case may be, aggrieved by the decision of the city's community development director may appeal that decision to any court with appropriate jurisdiction within fifteen (15) days of the date of city community development director's findings. (Ord. 1219, 10-25-2010)