No person shall:
   A.    Conduct branding, cutting, subdermal implantation, microdermal, suspension, tongue bifurcation, or scarification of another person;
   B.    Tattoo a minor;
   C.    Pierce or tattoo the genitalia or nipples of a minor;
   D.    Practice tattooing or piercing while under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances as defined in Minnesota statutes section 152.01, subdivision 4, or hazardous substances as defined in the rules adopted under Minnesota statutes chapter 182;
   E.    Perform body art procedures on any individual who appears to be under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances as defined in Minnesota statutes section 152.01, subdivision 4, or hazardous substances as defined in the rules adopted under Minnesota statutes chapter 182; or
   F.    Operate a body art establishment or perform body art procedures, unless exempted above, without a license.
   G.    No technician shall administer anesthetic injections or other medications. (Ord. 1284, 10-13-2014)