A. Application And Interpretation Of Provisions:
1. Application: The regulations and requirements set forth in this article shall apply to the required and nonrequired off street parking facilities in all use districts.
2. Floor Area:
a. The term “floor area”, for the purpose of calculating the number of off street parking spaces, shall be the net usable floor area of the various floors devoted to retail sales, services, office spaces, processing and fabrication, exclusive of hallways, utility space, and storage areas other than warehousing.
b. Floor area is based on ninety percent (90%) of gross floor area, or actual usable area, as defined in subsection A2a of this section.
3. Standard Restaurant: A “standard restaurant” shall be considered an eating establishment where food is served and consumed by a customer while seated at a counter or table.
4. Benches In Places Of Public Assembly: In stadiums, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, or other similar seating facilities, each twenty two inches (22") of such seating facility shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining required parking. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)
B. Location: Required off street parking in the E and R districts shall be on the same lot as the principal building. Required off street parking in all districts shall meet the following setback requirements:
1. Within all E and R districts, all vehicles and recreational vehicles normally owned or kept by the occupants on the premises must have a garage stall or open parking space on the same lot as the principal use served. Subject to the restrictions and prohibitions contained in this section, open parking spaces accessory to one- and two-family structures may be located anywhere on the lot containing the principal structure provided however, parking may not be located in a rear yard within five feet (5') of an interior side lot line or within eight feet (8') of rear lot line.
2. Within all R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2 districts, parking of a vehicle and/or recreational vehicle on grass or unpaved areas in the front yard is prohibited.
a. For the purposes of this section only, front yard means the area located between:
(1) The curb or edge of street pavement and
(2) A line coincidental with the front line of the house or garage (whichever is farthest from the street) continued and extended to the side lot lines.
b. Within all R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2 districts, parking of vehicles excluding recreational vehicles in the front yard is allowed only on a driveway, or parking pad that is directly contiguous to the driveway. A parking pad shall be constructed of bitumen, concrete or paving blocks and shall conform to maximum impervious surface standards. All parking spaces shall maintain a minimum five foot (5') side yard setback.
c. Subject to the restrictions and prohibitions contained in this subsection, within all R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2 districts, parking of recreational vehicles in the front yard is allowed only on a driveway, or parking pad that is directly contiguous to the driveway and that is on the side of the recreational vehicle parking line that is farther from the front door of the house than the other side of the recreational vehicle parking line. No more than two (2) recreational vehicles shall be allowed in the front yard in the R-1C district. A parking pad shall be constructed of bitumen, concrete or paving blocks and shall conform to maximum impervious surface standards. All parking spaces shall maintain a minimum five foot (5') side yard setback.
d. The following exception shall apply:
(1) Parking of automobiles may be allowed on grass in the front yard only during the winter parking ban period from November 1 through March 30. (Ord. 1315, 5-23-2016, eff. 5-23-2016)
C. Use Of Parking Facilities:
1. No motor vehicle bearing a commercial license and no commercially licensed trailer shall be parked or stored in a residential district except when loading, unloading or rendering a service, except that one vehicle not over one ton capacity may be parked at the residence of the owner or operator of said vehicle.
2. Under no circumstances shall parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for open air storage of commercial vehicles.
3. Required off street parking space in all districts shall not be utilized for open storage of goods or for the storage of vehicles that are inoperable, for lease, rent or sale.
D. Joint Parking Facilities: Required parking facilities serving two (2) or more uses may be located on the same lot or in the same structure except in R and E districts, provided that the total number of parking spaces so furnished shall be not less than the sum total of the separate requirements for each use during any peak hour parking period when the parking facility is utilized at the same time by two (2) or more uses. Conditions required for joint use are:
1. The proposed joint parking space is within four hundred feet (400') of the use it will serve;
2. The applicant(s) shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two (2) or more buildings or uses for which joint use of off street parking facilities is proposed; and
3. A properly drawn legal instrument approved by the city attorney, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off street parking facilities, shall be filed with the clerk. Said instrument may be a three (3) or more party agreement including the city.
E. Land Banking Of Parking Spaces: Parking spaces intended for future building expansion or anticipated needs may be required by the city for land banking. Areas to be land banked should be designed to integrate with existing parking area for space and aisle design, access points, landscaping provisions, and necessary stormwater control. The approved site plan shall designate land banked parking areas and shall not be used for computing required open space standards.
F. Off Site Control Of Parking Facilities: When required accessory off street parking facilities are provided elsewhere than on the lot on which the principal use served is located, written authority for using such property for off street parking shall be filed with the city so as to maintain the required number of off street parking spaces during the existence of said principal use. No such parking facility, at its closest point, shall be located more than one hundred feet (100') from the property nor more than four hundred feet (400') from the principal use or building served.
G. Design And Maintenance Requirements:
1. Parking Space And Aisle Size And Related Setbacks:
a. Parking spaces shall be designed, constructed and maintained with the following dimensions: (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)

Dimension | 0 Degrees | 45 Degrees | 60 Degrees | 75 Degrees | 90 Degre es |
Stall width parallel to aisle1 | 9.0 | 12.7 | 10.4 | 9.3 | 9.0 |
Stall length of line | 23.0 | 25.0 | 22.0 | 20.0 | 18 |
Stall depth | na | 17.5 | 19.0 | 19.5 | 18 |
Aisle width between stall lines | 13.0 | 12.0 | 16.0 | 23.0 | 24.0 |
1. Required handicap stalls and ramps shall be per state code.
b. Parking and related facilities shall have the following minimum setbacks:
Front yard setback of parking to lot line | R-3 and MF-PUD districts | 10 |
B-1 districts | 30 | |
B-2, B-3, B-4, MU-PUD, COMM-PUD, and P districts | 10 | |
OP and OFFICE-PUD districts | 30 | |
Industrial districts | 10, 20 feet when opposite R or E districts or uses | |
Side and rear yard setback of parking to lot line | R-3 and MF-PUD districts | 10 |
B-1 districts | 5 side, 8 rear | |
B-2, B-3, B-4, MU-PUD, COMM-PUD and P districts | 5, 10 feet when abutting E or R uses or districts | |
I-1 districts | 5, 10 feet when abutting E or R uses or districts | |
I-2 districts | 5, 20 feet when abutting E or R uses or districts | |
Front lot line to drive (landscape area) | R-3 and MF-PUD districts | 10 |
B-1 districts | 30 | |
B-2, B-3, B-4, MU-PUD, COMM-PUD and P districts | 10 | |
OP and OFFICE-PUD districts | 30 | |
Industrial districts | 10 | |
Side and rear lot line to drive lane(s) and parking area(s) A | R-3 and MF-PUD districts | 10 |
B-1 districts | 5 side, 8 rear | |
B-2, B-3, B-4, MU-PUD, COMM-PUD and P districts | 5, 10 feet when abutting E or R uses or districts | |
Industrial districts | 5, 10 feet when abutting E or R uses or districts | |
Parking lot or drive aisle setback to principal structure | Non-residential districts | 5 |
R-3 and MF-PUD districts | 10 | |
A. Joint or combined parking facilities on separate lots, as authorized and when constructed adjacent to a common lot line separating 2 or more parking areas, are not required to observe the parking area setback from such common lot line.
2. Calculating Space: When the determination of the number of required off street parking spaces results in a fraction, each fraction of one-half (1/2) or more shall constitute another space.
3. Access: Parking areas shall be designed so as to provide access to a public alley or street. All off street parking spaces shall have access off driveways and not directly off a public street. Design criteria shall be as approved by the city engineer.
4. Surfacing: All of the area intended to be utilized for a parking space and driveways shall be hard surfaced with bitumin or concrete. This requirement also applies to open sale lots.
5. Curbing: All open off street parking areas designed to have head-in parking along any lot line shall provide a tire bumper or curb (as found necessary by the city engineer) of adequate height and properly located to ensure that no part of any car will project beyond the required setbacks as established in this article, and to ensure proper storm water management.
6. Lighting: If lighting is provided, it shall be accomplished in such a manner as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right of way or adjacent land as provided in this article.
H. Signs: Signs located in any parking area necessary for orderly operation of traffic movement shall be in addition to accessory signs permitted in this article.
I. Sale Or Separation Of Parking Areas: Property that constitutes required off street parking area may not be separated, through sale or other means, from the property containing the principal use for which the parking area is required.
J. Minimum Number Of Required Parking Spaces: The minimum number of required parking spaces for allowed uses in the city shall be as established in the following table. When a use is not specifically listed in the table, the required number of parking spaces shall be established by the most similar use listed in the table, as determined by the city. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)
Principal Use Or Structure Served | Required Number Of Parking Spaces (Open Or Enclosed) |
Principal Use Or Structure Served | Required Number Of Parking Spaces (Open Or Enclosed) |
Residential | |
Single-family detached or Single-family attached | 2 spaces per dwelling unit |
Multiple family structure | Two spaces per dwelling unit, one of which must be enclosed garage parking. |
A driveway leading to a garage for an individual townhome may be counted as a parking space, provided the driveway is at least nine feet by twenty feet (9'x20') in size. | |
Guest parking shall be provided within the overall multiple-family development at one (1) stall per six (6) units and must be available for use by all multiple-family dwelling units. | |
Daycare nursery | 1 space for each employee, plus 1 off street loading space for each 6 students |
Nursing homes, rest homes, homes for the aged and for children | 1 space for each 6 beds, plus 1 for each employee on the largest shift |
Housing developments for the elderly | 11/2 spaces per dwelling unit |
Elderly assisted living facility | 1/2 space per unit, plus 1 space for each employee on peak shift |
Institutional | |
Elementary - junior high schools | 1 space for each employee, plus 1 space per 2 classrooms |
Senior high schools | 1 space for every 5 students based on design capacity, plus 1 space per employee |
Colleges | 1 space for every 2 students, plus 1 space per employee |
Churches, auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, mortuaries | 1 space for each 31/2 seats based on the design capacity |
Community center, post office, YMCA, YWCA, health club, library, private club, museum | 10 spaces, plus 1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet of floor area in the principal structure |
Hospitals | 1 space for each 3 beds, plus 1 space for each employee on the largest shift |
Golf courses, country clubs | 4 spaces per green, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift, plus 50 percent of the required spaces for accessory uses (driving range, bars, restaurants, tennis courts, etc.) |
Commercial/Industrial | |
Auto repair (major), bus terminals, boat and marine sales, bottling companies, garden supply stores, building material sales, shop for trade employing 6 people or less | 8 spaces, plus 1 space for each 800 feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet |
Banks, financial institutions | 1 space for each 250 square feet, plus 6 stacking spaces for each drive-up window |
Bowling alley | 6 spaces for each alley |
Car wash, automatic or self-service | 5 stacking spaces for each washing lane, plus 1 space for each employee |
Convenience store with gas sales | 1 space per fuel nozzle |
Furniture store, appliance store, auto sales, warehouse under 15,000 square feet | 1 space for each 500 square feet |
Golf driving range and minigolf | 1 space per tee/hole, plus 1 space per employee on the largest work shift |
Hotel or motel | 1 space per room, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift, plus 1 space for 3 persons of design capacity of each public meeting and/or banquet room, plus 50 percent of the spaces otherwise required for accessory uses (e.g., restaurants and bars) |
Marinas | 11/2 spaces per berth, plus 1 space per employee on largest shift |
Medical clinics and complexes | 11/2 spaces per examining room, plus 1 space per employee on largest shift |
Manufacturing, fabrication or processing of a product or material | At least 4 spaces, plus 1 additional space for each 800 square feet; 1 additional space shall be provided for each 2,500 square feet or fraction thereof of land devoted to outside storage |
Motor service station | 3 spaces, plus 2 spaces for each service bay |
Movie theaters | 1 space for each 4 seats of design capacity |
Office building and professional offices | 1 space for each 200 square feet |
Restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, dance halls | 1 space for each 3 seats based on design capacity |
Restaurants (fast food) | 1 space for each 2 seats of design capacity |
Retail stores | |
Less than 10,000 square feet | 1 space for each 150 square feet |
10,000 square feet and above | 1 space for each 200 square feet |
Shopping centers in a B-4 zoning district | |
Less than 400,000 square feet | 1 space for each 250 square feet |
400,000 to 600,000 square feet | 1 space for each 225 square feet |
More than 600,000 square feet | 1 space for each 200 square feet |
Skating rinks, public auction house | 15 spaces, plus 1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area over 2,000 square feet |
Tennis, racquetball, handball courts | 6 spaces per court, plus 50 percent of the required spaces for accessory use |
Warehouse over 15,000 square feet | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Uses not covered by this schedule | Spaces as required for the most similar limited use, or as determined by the council |
(Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004; amd. 2008 Code; Ord. 1482, 8-12-2024)