Motor fuel stations in all districts, where permitted, shall be subject to the following performance standards:
   A.   A fence or wall of acceptable design, not over six feet (6') in height or less than five feet (5'), shall be constructed along the property line when said use abuts property residentially used or in an R district, and said fence shall be adequately maintained. Application of this subsection shall not require a fence within the required front yard nor within fifteen feet (15') of any street right of way line.
   B.   All drives and parking and loading areas shall be bitumin or concrete pavement.
   C.   A drainage system subject to approval of the council shall be installed.
   D.   A box curb not less than six inches (6") above grade shall separate the public right of way from the motor vehicle service areas, except at approved entrances and exits.
   E.   The lighting shall be accomplished in such a manner as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right of way or adjacent land in residential use.
   F.   Pump islands and canopies shall conform to principal structure setback requirements.
   G.   Each motor fuel station may have one pedestal type sign not in excess of sixty four (64) square feet nor more than twenty five feet (25') in height erected within any yard, except that no part of the sign shall be less than six feet (6') from the property line measured as a horizontal distance. The pedestal shall not be greater than eighteen inches (18") in diameter, and no part of the sign surface shall be less than sixteen feet (16') vertical distance from the grade of the nearest driveway or parking area. The pedestal shall not be less than five feet (5') from a driveway at its nearest point.
   H.   No storage of vehicles for a period longer than forty eight (48) hours shall be permitted.
   I.   No sales of motor vehicles shall be permitted. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)