A.   Landscaping Signs And Fences: In all districts, all structures, required landscaping, signs, and fences shall be maintained so as not to be unsightly or present harmful health or safety conditions.
   B.   Exterior Maintenance: Within the B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-PUD Business Districts, any building or structure is a public nuisance if its exterior does not comply with the following requirements:
      1.   No part of any exterior surface shall have deterioration, holes, breaks, gaps, or loose or rotting siding. All exterior surfaces including, but not limited to, doors, door and window frames, cornices, fascia and trim, shall be maintained in a good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment.
      2.   Every exterior surface shall be maintained to avoid noticeable deterioration of the finish. No wall or other exterior surface shall have peeling, cracked, chipped, or otherwise deteriorated surface finish on more than twenty percent (20%) of any of the following:
         a.   Any one (1) wall;
         b.   Any door on any one (1) side; or
         c.   Combined window moldings, eaves, soffits, gutters, and similar projections on any one (1) side.
      3.   Every window, exterior light fixture, skylight, door and frame shall be kept in sound condition, good repair, weather tight, and shall be maintained free from cracks and holes.
      4.   All siding and masonry joints, including joints between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors, and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight.
      5.   Roof structures, including but not limited to: drains, gutters and downspouts, fascia and trim, shall be maintained in good repair. All roof drainage systems shall be attached securely.
   C.   Parking Lots: Within the B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-PUD Districts, parking lots shall be maintained:
      1.   Free from hazardous conditions that may endanger person or property; and
      2.   Free of weeds, grass, trees, and vegetation, except as allowed in an approved landscaping plan; and
      3.   Free of refuse, rubbish, litter, garbage, and other discarded and abandoned objects.
All potholes shall be filled and compacted within sixty (60) days after notice from the City, except that if the notice from the City occurs in December, January, February, or March, the filling and compaction of potholes must occur by April 15.
Parking lots shall include curb openings, concrete aprons, driveways, drive aisles, parking spaces, curbing, and parking islands.
   D.   Vacant Buildings: Within the B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-PUD Districts, vacant buildings shall comply with all the following requirements:
      1.   Access/fire lanes/entry doors and emergency access openings shall be unobstructed, including snow in the winter.
      2.   Building/premises shall be secured from unauthorized entry.
      3.   Current contact information for the owner and party responsible for maintenance shall be posted at the main entrance.
      4.   Fire alarm systems and fire protection systems shall remain operational and required maintenance shall be performed, unless approved by the local Fire Code official.
      5.   Heat, water, electricity and gas required for the proper operation and maintenance of fire alarm and fire protection systems shall remain in service.
      6.   Fire separations, walls, ceilings, doors and other building features that limit the spread of fire and smoke in the building shall be maintained.
      7.   Stairs, ladders, railings, roofs, floors, scuttle covers, trapdoors shall be maintained so as not to present a hazard to firefighters.
      8.   The intentional design or alteration of a building to disable, injure, maim, or kill intruders or a person who forcibly enters the building is prohibited.
      9.   Buildings/premises shall be emptied and kept clear of combustible materials, waste material, rubbish, trash, and debris. (Ord. 1337, 5-22-2017)