A.    Illegal Sales: No person shall give, sell, procure or purchase alcoholic beverages to or for any person to whom the sale of intoxicating liquor is forbidden by law. (Ord. 1276, 1-27-2014)
   B.    Places Of Consumption And Sale: No person shall mix or prepare alcoholic beverages for consumption and no person shall consume alcoholic beverages in any public place subject to the following exceptions:
      1.    A person may consume or mix or prepare alcoholic beverages on premises appropriately licensed in accordance with the city ordinances and laws of the state.
      2.    Consumption, sale and dispensing of intoxicating liquor may occur at Inver Wood Golf Course incident to a sale made pursuant to an intoxicating liquor license issued to Inver Wood Golf Course.
      3.    Consumption, sale and dispensing of intoxicating liquor may occur at the National Guard Training And Community Center (NGTCC) but only under the conditions specified in section 4-1-17 of this chapter.
      4.   Persons of lawful age may possess and consume alcoholic beverages containing not more than sixteen percent (16%) alcohol by volume (ABV) in original, single-serve, non-glass containers of no more than 16 ounces in size in South Valley Park and Rock Island Swing Bridge Park but only within the group picnic shelter at the park, and only in conjunction with an event for which the sponsor has obtained a permit from the city to use the group picnic shelter, and only if the person possessing or consuming the alcoholic beverage is an invited guest of the event sponsor. Event sponsors will be required to verify the age of guests eligible to consume alcoholic beverages.
      5.   Persons of lawful age may possess and consume alcoholic beverages containing not more than sixteen percent (16%) alcohol by volume (ABV) in original, single-serve, non-glass containers of no more than 16 ounces in size in the Rich Valley Athletic Complex, but only in conjunction with an event for which the sponsor has obtained a permit from the City to use the athletic complex for a permitted event, and only if the person possessing or consuming the alcoholic beverage is an invitee of the event sponsor. Sponsors will be required to verify the age of guests eligible to consume alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed at any youth-focused events or tournaments.
      6.   Alcoholic beverages may be sold and consumed at the Rich Valley Athletic Complex pursuant to a temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor license, temporary on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license, or one-day consumption and display permit issued under this Chapter. Alcoholic beverages sold pursuant to a temporary license or one-day consumption and display permit may be sold in non-glass containers or plastic or other non-glass cups, and are not required to be sold in original containers. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold at any youth-focused events or tournaments.
   C.    Parking Areas:
      1.    Except incident to a sale made pursuant to a temporary on-sale intoxicating, temporary on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license issued by the city, or one day consumption and display permit, no person shall consume alcoholic beverages while in the parking area of any school, college, park, government facility, shopping center or commercial establishment.
      2.    Except incident to a sale made pursuant to a temporary on-sale intoxicating, temporary on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license, or one day consumption and display permit issued by the city, no person in the parking area of any school, college, park, government facility, shopping center or commercial establishment shall have in his/her possession on his/her person any bottle or receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage which has been opened or the seal broken or the contents of which have been partially removed. (Ord. 1276, 1-27-2014; amd. Ord. 1297, 7-13-2015, Ord. 1455, 6-22-2023)