§ 72.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Ingalls Police Department shall issue a uniform ordinance violation citation to any person or persons violating a provision of this chapter. Violators of this chapter are subject to the following schedule of fines:
      (1)   Moving violations shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $50 for each offense, along with court costs in the amount that now exists or may hereafter be determined by ordinance, statute or the court of jurisdiction.
      (2)   Equipment (non-moving) violations shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $25 for each offense, along with court costs in the amount that now exists or may hereafter be determined by ordinance, statute or the court of jurisdiction.
   (B)   All fines prescribed by this chapter for a violation or violations shall be paid to the Town Ordinance Violations Bureau, which shall render to the person making payment a receipt stating the amount and purpose for which the fine has been paid, a duplicate of which shall be made a part of the records of the town.
   (C)   Should any violation or violations be referred to the Ingalls Town Attorney for enforcement, the violator shall be responsible for all attorneys' fees and court costs associated with such enforcement action in addition to any fine set forth herein.
(Ord. - -, passed 9-14-2020)