(A)   Upon preliminary review of a planned unit development plan, such plan shall be identified by the general character of the dominant use of the development.
   (B)   Such plans shall be classified by the following designations.
      (1)   PUD-R; Planned Unit Development, Residential. Any development consisting of not less than five acres in which more than 80% of the interior floor area of all buildings to be included in the development is to be used for residential purposes or those accessory purposes customarily related to residential use.
      (2)   PUD-B; Planned Unit Development, Business. Any development consisting of not less than five acres in which all of the interior floor area of all buildings to be included in the development is to be used for business purposes.
      (3)   PUD-I; Planned Unit Development, Industrial. Any development consisting of not less than five acres in which more than 80% of the interior floor area of all buildings to be included in the development are used for industrial or manufacturing purposes or such accessory uses customarily relating to industrial uses with the balance of such interior floor area, if any, being intended for such commercial uses as reasonably related to the support or convenience of the intended industrial uses or their occupants.
      (4)   PUD-REC; Planned Unit Development, Recreation. Any development consisting of not less than five acres in which the principal activity, whether conducted within or outside of a building or other structures, relates to recreation, amusement, the exhibition of sports events, the conduct of games and athletics, or the provision of open space for any passive or active endeavor. In these districts, such commercial structures or uses as reasonably relate to the principal activity of the development shall also be permitted.
      (5)   PUD-M; Planned Unit Development, Mixed. A development not otherwise distinguishable under any previous classification, containing less than the minimum land area and/or less than the stated minimum proportions of any single dominant use or function, and in which the proposed uses of interior and exterior spaces require unusual design flexibility to achieve a completely logical and complementary conjunction of uses and functions.
(Ord. 2003-2, passed 3-10-2003)