(A)   Any truck or other commercial vehicle having a gross weight of more than four tons shall not be driven, pulled, drawn or pushed over, upon or along the streets of the town, with the exception of:
      (1)   Alfonte Road from Mendon Avenue to Pendleton Avenue (Reformatory Road); and
      (2)   Meridian Street from Mendon Avenue to Pendleton Avenue (Reformatory Road).
   (B)   This limitation shall be designated by appropriate signs placed at appropriate places on the streets. Deliveries by commercial vehicles shall be allowed within a two-block radius of the routes specified herein.
   (C)   Any person violating the provisions of this schedule shall be fined $200.
(1983 Code, § 9-4-1-125) (Ord. passed 9-2-1969; Ord. passed 8-20-1973; Ord. passed 12-12-1988)
Statutory reference:
   Road weight limits, see I.C. 9-4-1-125