No person on private property shall engage in any activity or create any condition which unreasonably disturbs, or would tend to unreasonably disturb, a person of reasonable sensibilities on private property in the same vicinity, or which is so harsh, prolonged, unnatural or unusual in use, time or place as to cause physical discomfort to such person on private property in the same vicinity, if the disturbing activity or condition can be eliminated or ameliorated with reasonable accommodation on the part of the disturbing party. As used in this division, an unreasonably disturbing activity or condition shall include the emission of harsh, prolonged or unusual lighting from privately owned property, the emission of unreasonably loud, prolonged or unusual noise from privately owned property, or the emission of noxious, foul or nauseating odors, vapors, smoke or fumes from privately owned property.
(Ord. 1809, passed 2-21-24)