(A)   A person served with one of the following documents, orders or notices may file an appeal within ten calendar days from the date of service:
      (1)   Any administrative abatement or civil penalties notice and order;
      (2)   A letter from an enforcement official indicating an intent to record a notice of violation.
   (B)   The appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk.
   (C)   The appeal shall be accompanied by an appeal fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council.
   (D)   The receipt of a written appeal shall stay all actions, or put in abeyance all approvals or permits which may have been granted, pending the effective date of the decision of the body hearing the appeal. Upon the filing of a proper appeal fines shall cease to be imposed unless such cessation would result in the co0tinuation of a life, health, or safety risk.
   (E)   After receiving the written notice of appeal, the enforcement official shall request an administrative enforcement hearing officer to schedule a date, time, and place for the hearing.
   (F)   Written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing shall be served at least ten calendar days prior to the date of the hearing on the person appealing the notice by any one of the methods listed in Division 3.
(Ord. 1809, passed 2-21-24)