(A) Whenever an enforcement official determines that a violation of one or more provisions of the City of Indio Municipal Code or applicable state code has occurred or continues to exist, a written civil penalty notice and order may be issued to the responsible person.
(B) The notice and order shall refer to each code section violated and describe how each section is or has been violated.
(C) The notice and order shall refer to the dates and locations of the violations.
(D) The notice and order shall describe all remedial action required to correct outstanding violations and establish a time frame for completion.
(E) The notice and order shall establish a daily amount of civil penalties. The enforcement official shall determine the daily amount of civil penalties pursuant to the criteria in § 12.07.03. of this division.
(F) The notice and order shall identify a date when the civil penalties began to accrue and a date when the assessment of civil penalties will end, unless the violation is continuous. In the case of a continuous violation, there shall be an ongoing assessment of penalties at the daily rate established in the notice and order until the violations are corrected.
(G) If an enforcement official determines that the violations are continuing, the notice and order shall demand that the responsible person cease and desist from further action causing the violations and commence and complete all action to correct the outstanding violations under the guidance of the appropriate city departments.
(H) The notice and order shall enumerate any other consequences should the responsible person fail to comply with the terms and deadlines, as prescribed in the notice and order.
(I) The notice and order shall identify appropriate hearing procedures.
(J) The notice and order shall be served upon the responsible person by any one of the methods of service listed in Division 3 of this chapter.
(K) The notice and order shall identify the factors used by an enforcement official in determining the duration and the daily amount of civil penalties.
(L) More than one notice and order may be issued against the same responsible person if it encompasses either different dates or different violations.
(Ord. 1809, passed 2-21-24)