(A)   The administrative citation and all notices required to be given by this chapter may be served on the responsible parties in accordance with any of the following methods:
      (1)   Personal service to the responsible parties.
      (2)   First class mail to the responsible parties at their last known address.
      (3)   Certified mail to the responsible parties at their last known address.
      (4)   For responsible parties who reside at, or occupy, the subject property, by posting the administrative citation in a conspicuous place on the subject property, and then mailing a copy of the administrative citation to the responsible party by first class mail at that address.
      (5)   If a responsible party is an entity registered with the Secretary of State, then by certified mail to that responsible party’s agent for service of process at the address registered with the Secretary of State, or as otherwise permitted by the Corporations Code.
      (6)   If a valid address for the responsible party cannot be determined, then by posting the administrative citation in a conspicuous place on the subject property, and then mailing a copy of the administrative citation to the responsible party at the subject property’s address by first class mail.
   (B)   Service by posting shall be deemed effective at the time of posting. Service by mail in any manner described above shall be deemed effective upon deposit in the mail.
   (C)   The failure of any responsible party, or any other person with a legal or equitable interest in the subject property, to receive any administrative citation or notice served in accordance with this section shall not affect the validity of any proceeding conducted under the code.
(Ord. 1679, passed 9-16-15)