Every owner that provides carts to customers for use on the premises of a business establishment shall develop and implement a written cart containment plan to prevent the unauthorized removal of such carts from the premises. The cart containment plan shall be provided to the City upon request and at a minimum include the following elements:
   (A)   Written notice shall be provided to customers that the removal of carts from the premises are prohibited and a violation of State and local law.
   (B)   Signs shall be placed in pertinent and highly visible locations near all exit doors and near parking lot exits used by business patrons warning customers that cart removal is prohibited and a violation of State and local law.
   (C)   Specific physical measures shall be implemented to prevent, deter or impede the removal of carts from the premises. These measures may include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Mechanical disabling devices installed and maintained on all carts;
      (2)   Having one or more designated employee's assigned the responsibility to deter or stop customers from removing carts from the premises;
      (3)   Preventing carts from being taken outside of the confines of the business unless accompanied by an employee of the business;
      (4)   Requiring security deposits by customers for cart use.
   (D)   All carts located on the premises of a business establishment (other than an establishment open for business 24 hours per day) shall be collected at the end of each business day, returned to an approved cart containment area and secured in a manner that prevents removal until the commencement of the next business day.
   (E)   All carts located on the premises of a business establishment that is open for business twenty-four (24) hours a day, other than carts that are currently in use, shall be collected and returned to approved cart containment areas at least once per calendar day.
   (F)   The owner of the business establishment shall implement and maintain a periodic training program for new and existing employees designed to educate such employees on the requirements of the business establishment's cart containment plan and the provisions of state and local laws prohibiting the unauthorized removal of carts from the premises of the business establishment.
(Ord. 1642, passed 11-20-13)