For purpose of this chapter, the definitions for the following terms shall apply:
   ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION MODES. Any mode of travel that serves an as alternative to the single occupant vehicle. This can include all forms of ridesharing such as carpooling or vanpooling, as well as public transit, bicycling or walking.
   APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT. Any new development project that is determined to meet or exceed the employment threshold using the criteria contained in this ordinance. An applicable development also includes developments which are owned and/or managed as one unit, such as a business park or shopping center, that also meet or exceed the employment threshold.
   BICYCLE FACILITIES. Any capital improvements which would benefit an employee who rides a bicycle to their work site, including shower facilities, locker facilities, bicycle parking, etc.
   CHANGE OF USE. A development or facility space of a lessee which has altered its initial use to another use not related to the previous. (example: office space changes its use to commercial space).
   DEVELOPER. The builder who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of an applicable development project. A developer may be responsible for implementing this ordinance as determined by the property owner.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person employed by a firm, person(s), business, educational institution, non-profit agency or corporation, government agency or other entity which employs 100 or more persons at a single work site.
   EMPLOYMENT GENERATION FACTORS. Refers to factors developed for use by the jurisdiction for protecting the potential employment of any proposed development project.
   EMPLOYER. Any person(s), firm, business, educational institution, government agency, non-profit agency or corporation, or other entity which employs 100 or more persons at a single work site, and may either be a property owner or tenant of an applicable development project.
   EMPLOYMENT THRESHOLD. Refers to the number of employees which an applicable development must have for the TDM ordinance to be required of that employer.
   MINIMUM STANDARDS. That minimum changes made to establish a transportation demand management and trip reduction plan at an applicable development project to a level which satisfies this ordinance.
   MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT. New development projects that combine any land uses one with another.
   NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Means any non-residential project being processed where some level of discretionary action by a decision making body is required.
   PEAK PERIOD. Those hours of the business day between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Inclusive, Monday through Friday, which TDM strategies such as this Ordinance identify as the priority period for reducing work related vehicle trips.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The legal owner of the applicable development.
   RIDESHARE FACILITIES. Any capital improvements which would benefit an employee who rideshares to the work site, including on-site amenities, preferential parking, and rideshare drop-off areas at the entrance of the work site.
   SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PERMIT. A precise plan of development that may be subject to public hearing before the Planning Commission, Design Reviews, Use Permits, Planned Development, Fast Track Site Plan Approval.
   TRANSIT FACILITIES. Any capital improvements which would benefit an employee who uses any form of transit to travel to the work site, including transit stops, shelters, bus turnouts, park and ride lots, and other transit amenities.
   TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. A voluntary entity of employers, property owners and other interested parties who share a mutual concern for local transportation problems. TMA's have the ability to collectively pool participants' resources to address these issues. A TMA must still meet a 10% reduction in work related trips for each individual applicable new development.
   TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT. The implementation of programs, plans or policies designed to encourage changes in individual travel behavior. TDM can include an emphasis on alternative travel modes to the single occupant vehicle such as carpools, vanpools, and transit; reduction or elimination of the number of vehicle trips, or shifts in the time of vehicle commutes to other than peak period.
   WORK SITE. A building, grouping of buildings located within the jurisdiction which are physical contact or separated solely by a private or public roadway or other private right of way, and which are owned or operated by the same employer (or by employers under common control).
(Ord. 1116, passed 4-1-92)