(A)   General. If the park dedication is required under § 156.132, the park area required shall be determined in accordance with the standards provided in this section.
   (B)   Standard of park area to population.
      (1)   It is found and determined that the public interest, convenience, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city require that three acres of property for every 1,000 persons residing within the city be devoted to local and community park and recreational purposes, and that such park area is necessary to provide for the needs of the current and future persons residing and working in the city.
      (2)   Said ratio of three acres per thousand population is hereafter referred to as the park area standard.
   (C)   Dwelling unit occupancy factor.
      (1)   Based upon the latest available census data, the dwelling unit occupancy factors shall be as follows:
Occupancy Factor
Housing Type
single-family dwelling units
multi-family dwelling units
mobile-home/RV units or spaces
age-restricted, single-family subdivisions
      (2)   These figures may be revised from time to time by resolution of the advisory agency.
   (D)   Computation of area of park to be dedicated.
      (1)   The dedication of park land required for any subdivision shall be determined by multiplying the number of dwelling units in the subdivision for each housing type by the occupancy factor for each housing type by .003 (i.e., the ratio of the park area standard of three acres to 1,000 population).
      (2)   This is represented as follows:
         (number of dwelling units) (occupancy factor) (3/1,000) = area of park to be dedicated
   (E)   Qualification of land being dedicated. In addition to meeting the requirements set forth in this section, any land offered for park dedication shall meet the criteria specified in § 156.135(D)(1).
   (F)   Costs of acquisition and development of land.
      (1)   Recent park development analysis indicates an acquisition and development cost of $180,000 per acre for park and recreation facilities.
      (2)    This cost applies to 182 acres of new parkland for a total cost of $32,760,000.
      (3)   The recommended and approved cost recovery level of new residential projects for park and recreation facilities improvements is 75% or $24,570,000.
(Ord. 1325, passed 11-6-02)