(A)   General. “Design” and “improvements” as defined in this chapter shall be installed, or agreed to be installed, by the subdivider of land for the general use of lot owners. The standards of design and improvement shall be a combination of the provisions of this chapter, the adopted improvement standards and specifications, the general plan, any applicable specific plan of the city and the zoning regulations.
   (B)   Design. In general, standards of design shall be as approved on maps. For purposes of uniformity, the following minimum criteria shall be observed unless specific exceptions are made for cause in the map approval:
      (1)   Intersecting street separations, or the minimum distance between center lines of opposing streets, shall be no less than 150 feet.
      (2)   Lots shall be in accordance with the zoning regulations with respect to size, width and depth. Lots on arterial streets may be required to be larger than specified by zoning regulations in order to minimize the number of driveways, maximize traffic flow and promote safety.
      (3)   (a)   The subdivision lot design and orientation shall give maximum consideration to the extent feasible, to provide for passive or natural hearing and/or cooling opportunities of buildings. Examples of passive or natural cooling opportunities include design of lot size and configuration, and block configuration to permit orientation of the structures or minimize heat gain. In providing for future passive or natural cooling opportunities in the design of the subdivision, consideration shall be given to the local climate.
         (b)   For the purpose of this section, FEASIBLE means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner taking into account economic, environmental and technological factors.
      (4)   Grading of lots shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Chapter 70. Where differences of elevations exist between lots which exceed one foot and a slope of less than 10% is not possible, a retaining wall(s) may be required. For hillside areas, greater than 10% slope, design and improvement standards shall be as required for each area and may be modified to adjust to specific topographic conditions.
      (5)   Street width shall be determined as a function of projected traffic-carrying capacity and function of the street in relation to the subdivision and the neighborhood. The general plan and/or specific plan shall control design where applicable.
      (6)   Access.
         (a)   All subdivisions shall abut upon or have an approved access to a public street.
         (b)   Each parcel or lot within a subdivision shall have an approved access to a public or private street.
         (c)   Where necessary to avoid land locked parcels or inadequately accessed parcels, the design of a subdivision shall include for future access in the street layout. Reserve strips or nonaccess at the end of streets shall be dedicated unconditionally to the city.
      (7)   Lot sizes and the design of housing products, including the size of units will remain substantially the same for all phases of a project. Phases shall include maps that were part of the original tentative map (project) but are revised or otherwise resubmitted. Findings shall be made at the time for consideration of tentative map approval with respect to compliance with this section. Increases in lot sizes or additional product types of the same architectural design may be found consistent with the intent of this section. Lot subdivisions where products are not constructed as a “tract” project may be found to be exempt from the requirement that projects be of a “same” design.
   (C)   Improvements.
      (1)   In general, the improvements required by this chapter shall be constructed according to the specifications of the improvement standards and specifications adopted by the City Council.
      (2)   Improvement plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer and shall include but not be limited to, grading, storm drains, streets, utilities, landscaping, required perimeter walls and related facilities. The form and content of improvement plans, supplementary plans and calculations, required signatures shall be as specified by the City Engineer.
      (3)   The following minimum improvements shall be provided as part of all parcels.
         (a)   Streets, either private or public, as are determined to be appropriate. Private street may be permitted if adequate assurance is provided for continual physical maintenance and access to the residents and/or owners of the subdivision. All lots shall be guaranteed access to public streets, either direct or indirect.
         (b)   Sidewalks, in all residential and commercial areas, and by individual determination in industrial or “M” zoned lands.
         (c)   Traffic and directional signs, such as street name, regulatory, warning and guide signs.
         (d)   Traffic signals, where determined in the environmental analysis that project's impact will be cause for the need for all or part of a traffic signal to be installed. Criteria for determination of traffic signal requirements shall be as the city warrants.
         (e)   Street lights, in accordance with the city policy on all streets.
         (f)   Street trees, in accordance with city policy.
         (g)   Water system shall be a public system adequate for both domestic use and fire protection to each lot.
         (h)   Drainage protection to satisfy criteria for stormwater runoff and control, including stormwater conduits, structures and appurtenances when required.
         (i)   Where determination is made that wind erosion and blowsand protection is required as a mitigation measure to environmental impacts, there shall be conditions applied and irrigation, walls and/or fences, control of soils disturbed as a result of development.
         (j)   Public sanitary sewer system shall be provided for all lots unless a specific waiver and/or deferment is granted for cause.
         (k)   Survey monuments.
         (l)   Utilities consisting of electric power, natural gas (if available) telephone and television cable. All new utility installations shall be underground unless waived by the Director of Community Development, as provided in this chapter.
         (m)   Walls (or fences) and landscaping where required for perimeter or other street frontages. Landscape maintenance districts shall be provided in accordance with state law where a homeowners' association does not exist to maintain landscaping. The developer shall deposit, with the city, an amount equal to one year's maintenance service for all required maintenance districts.
('61 Code, 19.9) (Ord. 852, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 928, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 10.99