(A)   The processing of parcel maps shall be as provided in the Subdivision Map Act.
   (B)   The Planning Commission shall have the authority to make findings, approve, conditionally approve or disapprove parcel maps and to impose requirements and conditions consistent with this chapter and the Subdivision Map Act.
   (C)   Public hearings for parcel maps shall be held as described in this chapter. The action of the Planning Commission shall be final unless appealed to the City Council as provided herein. A tentative parcel map shall be filed in the same manner as tentative maps for divisions of more than four parcels. Where allowed by the Subdivision Map Act, parcel maps may subsequently be filed on the basis of the tentative parcel map.
   (D)   The City Engineer shall review and approve a parcel map for conformity to the Subdivision Map Act, this chapter, and all conditions and requirements of the city as part of the map approval. Dedication or offer of dedication may be made either by certificate on the parcel map or by separate instrument.
   (E)   Failure to file a parcel map with the County Recorder within two years shall terminate all proceedings and the approvals shall lapse unless extended as provided herein. The Director of Community Development may grant a one year administrative extension of time for any parcel map provided that the property is properly maintained and free of weeds and debris. The Planning Commission may approve additional extensions provided that the total extensions do not exceed the maximum time frames prescribed by the Subdivision Map Act. An application for an extension shall be submitted prior to the expiration of the initial period or any extension thereof. The decision of the Director granting the one-year administrative extension may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 15 calendar days of the date of the Director's decision. When a parcel map expires the filing of a new map and repayment of fees is required.
   (F)   Filing the parcel map with the County Recorder shall be as prescribed in the Subdivision Map Act.
   (G)   Within 30 calendar days of the date a map is recorded by the County Recorder, the subdivider shall, at his/her own expense, cause duplicate copies of all sheets on polyester base film, to be delivered to the City Engineer.
   (H)   Corrections or amendments to a parcel map shall be as described in the Subdivision Map Act.
('61 Code, 19.11) (Ord. 852, passed - -; Am. Ord. 1550, passed 2-4-09)