(A)   The Director of Community Development shall develop the administrative policies, procedures and forms necessary and consistent with this chapter to process actions allowed and required by the Subdivision Map Act. This administrative procedure shall include the form and content of tentative maps and other maps where the Subdivision Map Act does not dictate the form and content.
   (B)   Environmental review. No tentative parcel or subdivision map shall be considered accepted for filing for consideration under this chapter and the Subdivision Map Act unless the map shall have been first subjected to and processed according to the city guidelines for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act.
   (C)   Time limits. The time limits for processing maps under this chapter shall be as specified in the Subdivision Map Act, unless waived by consent of the developer pursuant to the Cal. Gov't Code § 66451.1(a) for purposes of concurrent processing.
   (D)   Public hearings. The proceedings before the Planning Commission and City Council on applications for parcel maps and tentative maps review shall include public hearings held in accordance with the provisions of § 66451.3 of the Cal. Gov’t Code.
   (E)   Where to file maps.
      (1)   Tentative maps, parcel maps, mergers and lot line adjustment requests shall be filed with the Community Development Department and shall be processed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of this chapter. The subdivision shall file as many copies of the maps, with supporting data, as may be required by the Director of Community Development.
      (2)   Final maps and improvement plans shall be filed with the City Engineer for checking and processing. Final maps, parcel maps, mergers and lot line adjustment maps, shall be submitted in the form and content, as required by the Subdivision Map Act and the City Engineer as to the provisions of this chapter, and shall be filed at the time and manner as required by the City Engineer.
   (F)   Review of other agencies. The Director of Community Development shall transmit copies of maps to those agencies, departments and utilities which he/she deems may be affected by the proposed subdivision and as required to be notified by the Subdivision Map Act.
('61 Code, 19.10) (Ord. 852, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1034, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1609, passed 4-4-12)