(A)   Application.
      (1)   Any person owning or controlling property may apply for a new address by providing adequate description of the property or buildings to be assigned and the name of the property owner and tenants of the same.
      (2)   The application shall be processed in such a manner to adequately provide for building or unit identification for postmen, utility company personnel, city fire and police personnel and the general public.
      (3)   Where conflicts or inconsistencies arise, the Department may initiate a change in numbers on its own, provided that all other requirements are met regarding proper notice.
   (B)   Notice. Once a number or numbers are assigned, the applicant shall be notified in person or by mail, or both, as shall the post office, Registrar of Voters, 911 Riverside County Communications, Valley Sanitation District, Riverside County Assessor, Indio Police Department, Indio Building Division, Imperial Irrigation District, Indio Water Authority (or applicable water purveyor), Southern California Gas Company, applicable school district and any tenant listed on the application.
   (C)   Posting of numbers. It shall be the duty of the owner or person in possession of a property to properly post the assigned number within ten days after the notice is received. The number shall be located in a position to make it clearly visible from a street during the daytime; except, subunit designations on individual apartments, shops and similar spaces shall be located on or near the entrance door of the subunit. The number shall correspond to the one assigned by the city, and shall be posted at all times. In the event a number is removed, deteriorates or is no longer visible, the property owner and or tenant shall be subject to the provisions of this subchapter with respect to posting.
(Ord. 1580, passed 12-1-10)