It shall be unlawful for any person to do, allow or permit any of the following acts during any picketing:
   (A)   Using any more pickets than the number allowed and permitted by § 130.112.
   (B)   To use or threaten to use any physical violence to prevent any person from entering the place of business which is being picketed.
   (C)   To park motor or other vehicles in and about the business being picketed in such manner as to prevent the ingress and egress of third persons to and from the picketed business, excepting that the persons lawfully picketing such business shall have the right to park their vehicles in front of or adjacent to the picketed business providing such parking shall not violate any of the parking ordinances of the city.
   (D)   To use loud, boisterous, offensive or obscene language, or to engage in loud or boisterous conduct towards or against any persons entering and leaving the picketed business or in and around the picketed business.
   (E)   To wilfully publicize by means of signs. banners or word of mouth any statement known to be false in connection with the labor controversy involved.
('61 Code, § 15.23) (Ord. 295, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 130.999