A massage therapist permit and any off-premises endorsement issued pursuant to the Coachella Valley Model Massage Ordinance, or any predecessor ordinance, shall be revoked by the Permit Administrator whom has issued the permit if he or she receives notice that, after administrative proceedings conducted in conformity with this code, the city has made any of the following findings or determinations with respect to the permittee:
   (A)   The massage therapy business or service is conducted in a manner that does not comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to this chapter and the city's building, zoning and health regulations;
   (B)   The holder of the permit is convicted of any disqualifying conduct or is required to register as a sex offender as set forth in Cal. Penal Code § 290;
   (C)   The permittee fails to notify the Permit Administrator of any update to the information contained in the application that is required to keep the information current;
   (D)   Information contained in the approved application is inaccurate;
   (E)   Any patron of the permittee contracts any communicable disease during the course of any services offered by the permittee;
   (F)   The holder of the permit, or any applicant therefor, refuses to allow representatives of the city or Permit Administrator to inspect business records of the permittee, or any premises utilized by the permittee for massage therapy services;
   (G)   The permittee fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter; or
   (H)   The holder of the permit has ceased to meet any of the requirements for issuance of the permit.
(Ord. 1453, passed 12-7-05)