(A)   During all times that he or she is performing or offering to perform massage therapy services, every massage therapist shall wear a badge that identifies his or her first or last name. Upon receipt of a request or complaint by a patron, the massage therapist shall advise the patron of the full name of the massage therapy establishment through which the massage therapy services were arranged, and the identity of the Permit Administrator through whom the therapist was issued his or her qualifying massage therapist permit.
   (B)   All massage therapists shall have in their possession a valid permit issued pursuant to the Coachella Valley Model Massage Ordinance as well as valid identification at all times that he or she is performing or offering to perform massage therapy services within the city.
   (C)   All massage therapists shall wear non- transparent outer garments covering all specified anatomical areas while performing or offering to perform any massage therapy services.
(Ord. 1453, passed 12-7-05)