No massage therapy establishment permit shall be issued unless an inspection by the city reveals that the establishment complies with each of the following minimum requirements:
   (A)   No massage therapy establishment shall be open for business between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
   (B)   A list of services available, described in readily understandable language, and the cost of such services shall be posted or distributed in a conspicuous place on the premises.
   (C)   The massage therapy establishment permit and a copy of each massage therapist permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises.
   (D)   Maintain a record which includes the date and time of each massage, the name and address of the patron, the name of the person administering such massage, and the type of massage given. Such records shall be made available, upon request, for inspection by the City Manager or Police Chief. The information contained in such records shall be confidential.
   (E)   The premises shall have adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing non-disposable instruments and materials used in administering massages. Such non-disposable instruments and materials shall be disinfected after use on each patron.
   (F)   The physical premises itself shall be open from time-to-time to periodical inspections, including, but not limited to, the Building Department and the Fire Department, to determine and insure that the provisions of this code and all codes adopted by reference are met.
   (G)   All employees, including massage therapists, shall be clean and shall wear clean, nontransparent outer garments, covering their specified anatomical areas, the use of which garments is restricted to the massage therapy establishment. A separate dressing room for each gender must be available on the premises. Each dressing room must provide individual lockers for each employee. Doors to such dressing rooms shall open inward and shall be self-closing.
   (H)   Toilet facilities shall be provided in convenient locations. When employees and patrons of different genders are on the premises at the same time, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each gender. A single water closet per gender shall be provided for each 20 or more employees or patrons of that gender on the premises at any one time. Urinals may be substituted for water closets after one water closet has been provided. Toilets shall be designated as to the gender accommodated therein.
   (I)   Provide a minimum of one bathtub or shower facility for the patrons. However, if male and female patrons are to be served simultaneously, separate facilities for each gender or facilities that may be locked by patrons shall be provided. Where baths, as defined herein, are provided, and both genders are to be served simultaneously, separate rooms or baths shall be provided for each gender. Hot and cold running water under pressure from a potable source shall be provided to all wash basins, bathtubs, showers and similar facilities. Each water basin shall be provided with soap or detergent and single service towels placed in permanently installed dispensers. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each room where such facilities are located. In addition to the wash basin provided for patrons, a minimum of one separate wash basin shall be located within or as close as practicable to each area in which massages are administered and baths are taken.
   (J)   Maintain lighting intensity of not less than 70 foot candle power at floor level in any room or enclosure in all public rooms, hallways and within each room or enclosure where massages are administered.
   (K)   Maintain the premises and facilities in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. The premises shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once each day the massage therapy establishment is in operation.
   (L)   Provide clean and sanitary towels, sheets and linens for each patron. No common usage of towels, sheets and linens shall be permitted. Towels, sheets and linens shall be provided in sufficient quantity and shall not be used by more than one person unless such towels, sheets and linens have been re-laundered. Heavy white paper may be substituted for sheets; provided, however, that such paper is used only for one person and then discarded into a sanitary receptacle. Separate closed cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels, sheets and linens, and such cabinets or containers shall be plainly marked: "clean linen" and "soiled linen."
   (M)   Cover pad used on massage tables in a workmanlike manner with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material.
   (N)   Unlock all exterior doors from interior side during business hours.
   (O)   Provide a separate locker for each patron to be served, which locker shall be capable of being locked and available to each patron at no extra charge.
   (P) No massage therapy establishment granted a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall place, publish or distribute or cause to be placed, published or distributed any advertisement, picture, or statement which is known or through the exercise of reasonable care should be known to be false, deceptive or misleading in order to induce any person to purchase or utilize any professional massage services.
   (Q) All electrical equipment shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the city's Uniform Construction Codes.
   (R)   lt shall be unlawful for any massage to be carried on within any cubicle, room, booth, or any area within a massage therapy establishment which is fitted with a door capable of being locked. All doors or doorway coverings within a massage therapy establishment shall have an unobstructed opening six inches by six inches in size capable of clear two-way viewing into and out of all cubicles, rooms, or booths. The opening shall be not less than four and one-half feet from the floor of the establishment or more than five and one-half feet from the floor. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to eliminate other requirements of statute, ordinance or municipal code concerning the maintenance of premises, or to preclude authorized inspection thereof, whenever such inspection is deemed necessary by the Police or Health Departments.
(Ord. 1453, passed 12-7-05)