Upon filing of the application, the Director of Finance may make, or cause to be made, an examination or investigation of the statements put forth in such application or of the applicant and his affairs, in relation to the proposed closing-out sale. If the Director of Finance finds that the statements in the application are true, that the advertising to be used is not false, deceptive or misleading in any respect, and that the proposed methods of conducting the sale are not such as, in the opinion of the Director of Finance, would work a fraud or misrepresentation on the purchaser, then the Director of Finance shall issue a license to conduct such a sale in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter; otherwise the Director of Finance shall deny the application and refuse such a license. No application for such license shall be accepted by the Director of Finance unless accompanied by a filing fee of $25, no part of which shall be refundable. Provided further, that whenever the goods, wares or merchandise are to be sold at public auction and are a stock of jewelry, then in that event the application required herein shall be accompanied by the sum of $100. At the time of delivery of such license, the licensee shall sign the following agreement, to be witnessed by the Director of Finance: "The above license is accepted by the undersigned upon the condition that licensee agrees to comply with, and abide by, all the provisions of Chapter 110 of the Code of the City of Indio."
('61 Code, § 12.53) (Ord. 685, passed - - )