Every honorably discharged soldier, sailor, marine, or airman of the United States who is physically unable to obtain his livelihood by means of manual labor and who is a qualified voter of the state shall have the right to hawk, peddle and vend any goods, wares or merchandise owned by him, except spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating beverages, without the payment of a license fee, subject, however, to the restrictions, limitations, regulations and conditions set forth as follows:
   (A)   Every applicant must comply with the following requirements before a license may be issued under the provisions of this section:
      (1)   Every applicant must furnish a certificate of physical disability executed by a qualified surgeon of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, a certificate of honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces, and a written recommendation from the representative of the local posts of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
      (2)   Every applicant must furnish two identification photographs; one to be attached to the license issued to the applicant, and the other to be attached to the copy retained by the tax administrator. The applicant must also sign both copies of the license at the time of the issuance thereof.
   (B)   A license when issued is subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   It is nontransferable and for the exclusive use of the licensee named.
      (2)   Applicant's identification photograph must be attached to the license at all times, and failure to comply herewith is grounds for revocation of the license and for refusing its renewal or the issuance of a new license thereafter.
      (3)   Should a license be found in the possession of one other than the licensee named, it shall be surrendered up to the tax administrator and canceled, and neither the licensee named nor the holder thereof shall thereafter be entitled to hold a license under the provisions of this section.
      (4)   The licensee named must identify himself by his signature whenever required to do so by the police officers, or other authorized City officials.
      (5)   Whenever the licensee uses any wagon, cart, tray, basket or other vehicle or receptacle in vending any such goods, wares, or merchandise, the license shall be carried in a license holder attached to the vehicle or receptacle an in plain view.
   (C)   It is unlawful for any person other than the licensee named, to use or have in his possession any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this section.
   (D)   No person shall purchase or transfer any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this section, or transfer or convey the certificates mentioned in division (A), to any other person for the purpose of securing a license as provided for in this section.
(Ord. 1374, passed 6-2-04)