For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DESIGNATED STREET TREE LIST. A list of specific tree species which have been designated by the Community Services Commission for each city street, or part of it, as the species of tree to be planted and maintained within the city easement of that street.
   DIRECTOR. The Director of the Public Works or his or her designee.
   DRIPLINE. The ground area at the outside edge of the tree branches or canopy.
   EASEMENT, PARKWAY, or RIGHT-OF-WAY. Land owned by another over which the city has right-of-way for street and related purposes. PARKWAY refers to that portion of a street right-of-way which available for landscaping, and not for curb, gutter, or pavement.
   HERITAGE TREES. Any trees within the city's easement or on city-owned property which have been found to be of significance to the community or of notable historic interest and are so designated by action of the Community Services Commission.
   MAINTAIN or MAINTENANCE. Includes root pruning, trimming spraying, watering, fertilizing, mulching, treating for disease or injury, or any other similar act which promotes growth, health, beauty, and life of any tree.
   MEDIAN. A strip of concrete or planted ground between the lanes of a divided street or highway.
   PRUNING, TRIMMING or THINNING. To reduce the size of a tree using professionally accepted standards, as established by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), National Arborists Association (NAA) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Section A300, to control the height and spread of a tree, lessen the wind resistance, preserve its health and natural appearance, produce fuller branching and shaping, aid in disease prevention by allowing more light and air passage within the tree branches, or make adjustments which will increase its longevity in an urban environment.
   PUBLIC TREE or CITY TREE. Any tree which is located within any public park, city easement, or any other city-owned property.
   TOPPING, HEADING BACK, STUBBING, or POLLARDING. A severe type of pruning which usually produces less desirable results than a more moderate pruning with respect to the to the tree's natural form and which is generally hazardous to the overall health and stability of the tree.
   TREE POLICY MANUAL. A document prepared by the Public Works Department which states policies (approved by the City Council), procedures and other relevant information regarding the selection, planting, maintenance, and removal of all city trees.
   URBAN FOREST or URBAN FORESTRY. The ecology of native and non-indigenous plantings creating a forest in the human living desert environment, and emphasizing the practice of wise, professional, planned management of all tree resources within an urban area for multiple use and benefit of the entire community.
(Ord. 1519, passed 11-14-07; Am. Ord. 1618, passed 9-19-12)