(A)   No barbed wire fences will be allowed in any parkway, street, alley or public place.
   (B)   No fences or walls will be allowed in the street or alley or in the parkway of any land zoned for commercial or industrial uses. Decorative fences and walls will be allowed by encroachment permit in the parkway of land zoned for residential uses. The fence or wall shall be located between the sidewalk and the property line. If no sidewalk exists, the construction of the wall or fence will be conditioned upon the installation of the sidewalk. The maximum height of walls and fences shall be 36 inches within the parkway, except the corner lot where the end 20 feet on each street shall be reduced to 24 inches for visibility. All walls and fences have to provide four-foot clearance around fire hydrants, water meters, and all other utility structures. If a wall or fence is constructed over underground utility lines, the utility company may remove such fence or wall as necessary to repair and maintain its facilities, and it will be the property owners' responsibility to replace the same.
   (C)   All walls and fences that are not maintained properly shall be declared a nuisance and abated in accordance with Chapter 95A.
('61 Code, § 18.41) (Ord. 702, passed - - )