(A)   Concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter and cross- gutter. All concrete facilities shall be replaced at the same cross-section thickness as that removed except that sidewalks shall be a minimum of four inches thick and driveways, gutters and cross-gutters shall be a minimum of six inches thick or as required by the adopted standards of the Administrative Authority.
   (B)   Asphalt pavement. All trenches within existing paved roads shall be provided with temporary surfacing unless the permittee immediately installs permanent resurfacing. Temporary paving shall be properly maintained until permanent surfacing is placed.
      (1)   Prior to placing of permanent pavement, edges shall be trimmed to a vertical face. Permanent pavement shall be the thickness of the existing pavement plus one inch. The pavement shall be placed so that the finished surface after compaction is level with or does not exceed a maximum of one-quarter inch above the existing pavement and does not overlap onto the existing pavement. If the pavement is to overlap the trench cut, it shall be brought up in two lifts; the first lift to be level with the existing pavement when completed.
      (2)   If over 50% of a street is destroyed, the Administrative Authority may require a structural overlay of the entire street.
   (C)   Lawn areas. Whenever it may be necessary for the permittee to trench any lawn area, the area shall be reseeded or the sod shall be carefully cut and rolled and replaced after ditches have been backfilled as required in this chapter. All construction and maintenance work shall be done in a manner calculated to leave the lawn area clear of earth and debris and in a condition as near as practicable to that which existed before the work began. The permittee shall not remove, even temporarily, any trees or shrubs which exist in parkway areas without first obtaining the consent of the Administrative Authority.
('61 Code, § 18.22) (Ord. 702, passed - - )