General Provisions
   91.01   Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
   91.10   City Manager to establish rules regulating ambulance drivers; distribution of copies
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
   91.20   Required to operate ambulances
   91.21   Application
   91.22   Public hearing
   91.23   Conditions to be considered by City Council
   91.24   Issuance
   91.25   Ambulance service in operation prior to effective date of chapter; certificate; application
   91.26   License fee; expiration of license; certificate to be visibly displayed
   91.27   New certificate to be issued for replacement ambulances
   91.28   Cancellation of certificate
   91.29   Transferability
   91.30   Denial of application
   91.31   Revocation of suspension
   91.32   Right of appeal
   91.33   Inspection of vehicles for which a certificate has been insured
Rates and Charges
   91.45   Schedule of rates for ambulance service
Ambulance Drivers
   91.55   Driver's permit; form and contents
   91.56   Conditions for issuance of driver permit
   91.57   Applicable; permit fee; expiration
   91.58   Revocation; suspension
   91.59   Operator of ambulance to be qualified to administer first aid
   91.60   Insurance