(A) A well inspection shall be requested of the Fire Department at least two working days in advance of the following activities:
(1) For individual domestic wells, agricultural wells, cathodic protection wells, and monitoring wells:
(a) The filling of the annular space or conductor casing;
(b) Immediately after the installation of all surface equipment and (for individual domestic wells) after the well has been disinfected and purged;
(2) For community wells: All community water wells shall be inspected at the frequencies stated in division (A)(1) above for individual domestic water wells. In addition, a site inspection prior to issuance of a permit is required in accordance with § 54.226;
(3) For all wells, any other operation or condition for which a special inspection is stipulated on the well permit;
(4) For well destruction (all wells):
(a) During the actual sealing of the well;
(b) Immediately after all well destruction work has been completed.
(B) Upon failure to notify the Fire Department of the filling of the annular space, approved geophysical tests including sonic log and gamma ray log shall be conducted at the owner's expense, to substantiate that an annular seal has been properly installed.
(C) If the enforcement agency fails to appear at the well site at the time designated for sealing, the well may be sealed without the presence of the enforcement agency. However, the driller shall seal the well in accordance with the standards of this subchapter and the permit in the absence of any inspection.
('61 Code, § 24.124) (Ord. 1041, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1103, passed 11-20-91)