(A) No person or entity, as principal agent, or employee, shall dig, drill, bore, drive, reconstruct or destroy:
(1) A well that is to be, or has been, used to produce or inject water;
(2) A cathodic protection well; or,
(3) A monitoring well, without first filing a written application to do so with the City Engineering Services, and receiving and retaining a valid permit as provided herein.
(B) No person or entity shall engage in any activity subject to the jurisdiction of this subchapter without first paying all applicable fees to the City Engineering Services for each activity in the amounts set forth in city's fee schedule resolution.
(C) Any person who shall commence any work for which a permit is required by the City Engineering Services without having obtained a permit therefor, shall, if subsequently granted a permit, pay double the permit fee for such work; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it shall be established in writing to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit before commencement of the work.
(1) In all cases in which emergency work is necessary, a permit shall be applied for within three working days after commencement of the work.
(2) The applicant for a permit for any such emergency work shall, in any case, demonstrate that all work performed is in compliance with the technical standards of § 54.029.
(D) An application for a permit to construct a water well, monitoring well, or cathodic protection well, shall be submitted to the City Engineer on a form and in a manner prescribed by the City Engineer, and shall include the following information:
(1) A plot plan showing the proposed well location with respect to the following items within a radius of 500 feet from the well:
(a) Property lines, including ownership;
(b) Sewage or waste disposal systems (including reserved waste disposal expansion areas), or works for carrying or containing sewage or waste;
(c) All intermittent or perennial, natural, or artificial bodies of water or watercourses;
(d) The approximate drainage pattern of the property;
(e) Other wells, including abandoned wells;
(f) Access road(s) to the well site;
(g) Structures.
(2) The location of the property with a vicinity map including the legal description of the property (assessor's parcel map/tract map number);
(3) The name and state license number of the general contractor (when applicable) and the C-57 license number of the person responsible for constructing the well;
(4) The proposed well depth, including casing size and zones of perforations and strata to be sealed off, if that data can be reasonably projected;
(5) The proposed use of the well;
(6) The location of underground storage tank(s) within 500 feet of the proposed well;
(7) Location and classification by visual inspection of any solid, liquid or hazardous waste disposal sites to include municipal and individual package sewage treatment plants within 2,000 feet of the proposed well;
(8) Where proposed work is reconstruction or destruction of a water well, monitoring well, or cathodic protection well, provide the following information, if available:
(a) Method of reconstruction or destruction of well;
(b) Total depth;
(c) Depth and type of casing used;
(d) Depth of perforation;
(e) Well log;
(f) Any other pertinent information.
(9) Other information as may be deemed necessary for the City Engineering Services to determine if the underground waters will be adequately protected.
(E) As a condition of a construction or reconstruction permit, any abandoned wells on the property shall be destroyed in accordance with standards provided in this subchapter.
('61 Code, § 24.114) (Ord. 1041, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1103, passed 11-20-91)