For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CURB COLLECTION. Collection of garbage, rubbish and swill placed in a location not more than five feet from the street curb or alley abutting the occupied residence.
   DETACHABLE CONTAINER SERVICE. Collection of garbage, rubbish and swill from a container serviced by mechanical means located at the rear of commercial establishments where the material is produced, kept or accumulated.
   DWELLING, MULTIPLE. A residential building designed for occupancy by more than one family and consisting of more than one living unit, even where there is no more than one water meter on the premises, but excluding hotels, motels and lodges.
   DWELLING, SINGLE FAMILY. A detached building designed for occupancy by one family and consisting of a single living unit.
   GARBAGE. All animal or vegetable refuse from kitchens, restaurants and all restaurant and household waste that shall have been prepared for or intended to be used as food or shall have resulted from the preparation of the food and all animal or vegetable refuse from establishments where foodstuffs intended for human consumption shall be handled commercially. GARBAGE includes SWILL.
   INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Solid waste resulting from industrial processes and manufacturing operations including, but not limited to, wholesale and volume food processing waste, boiler house cinders, lumber scraps and shavings, metal scraps and shavings and chemical wastes.
   RUBBISH. All refuse other than garbage, including papers, rags, glass, sawdust, sweepings, plaster, pasteboard boxes, metal shavings, boxes, ashes, grass, shrubbery or tree cuttings or other agricultural debris and all other refuse.
   STANDARD CONTAINER. A metallic or plastic can with a close-fitting cover, cover handle and side bails, of 32-gallon or less gross capacity.
   SWILL. All classes of putrefied and easily decomposable animal or vegetable matter and shall include any matter or substance used in the preparation, cooking, dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fruits and vegetables that are subject to immediate decay and the attracting of rodents.
   WALK-IN SERVICE. Collection of garbage, rubbish and swill placed in a location not more than five feet from the occupied residence with adequate ingress and egress provided to the area for use by the collector.
('61 Code, § 10.1) (Ord. 299, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 361, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 443, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 498, passed - - )