The commission's powers and duties include:
1. Plan, conduct and assist organizations (e.g., schools, businesses, religious groups, non-profit organizations, civic associations, libraries and museums) in programs designed to increase community awareness, appreciation of diversity, equity and inclusion, and the full securing of the rights of all citizens.
2. Studying the existence, character, causes, and extent of discrimination within the City because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, ancestry or disability, and to attempt the elimination of such discrimination by education and understanding.
3. Promoting good will among the various Protected Groups within the City and to minimize or eliminate discriminatory practices.
4. Issue such publications and reports of research as in the judgment of the commission shall tend to promote good will among all the citizens and Protected Groups within the City and which shall tend to minimize or eliminate discriminatory practices. The commission may prepare and distribute a brochure explaining its mission and the purpose for dissemination within the City.
5. Providing intake assistance for complaints from individuals who may be victims of discriminatory practices within the City and refer such complaints to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission for investigation and adjudication. This Commission will review the findings of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.
6. With approval of the City Council and with the assistance of the City staff, receiving administering, dispensing and accounting for any City funds that may be allocated, any donations that may be voluntarily contributed to the commission, or any grants that may be awarded to the commission for furthering the purposes of this chapter.
7. Making recommendations to the City Council for such further legislation concerning discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, ancestry or disability as it may deem necessary and desirable.
8. Preparing and transmitting to the City Manager, Mayor and City Council from time to time, but not less often than once each year, through written report or oral presentation to the City Council, describing its activities and functions.
9. Utilize volunteers to aid in the conduct of the commission's activities and functions.