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In addition to other remedies and penalties prescribed by law, the provisions of this chapter shall not be violated subject to the following:
   1.   No plat of survey, plat or subdivision in the City or within two miles thereof shall be recorded or filed with the County Auditor or County Recorder, nor shall any plat or subdivision have any validity until it complies with the provisions of this chapter and has been approved by the Council as prescribed herein.
   2.   No more than two building permits for principal structures issued for each separate tract existing at the effective date of this chapter unless the tract shall have been platted in accordance with the provisions contained herein except planned multiple-family, commercial or industrial complexes under a common ownership and constructed in accordance with an overall site development plan.
   3.   No public improvements over which the Council has control shall be made with City funds, nor shall any City funds be expended for street maintenance, street improvements, or other services in any area that has been subdivided after the adoption of the regulations in this chapter unless such subdivision and streets have been approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the street accepted by the Council as a public street.
   4.   Any persons who shall dispose of or offer for sale or lease any lots in the City, addition thereto, or within one mile thereof until the plat shall have been approved, acknowledged and recorded as provided by this chapter and Chapter 354, Code of Iowa, shall forfeit and pay $50.00 for each lot or part thereof sold, disposed of, leased, or offered for sale.
   5.   No occupancy compliance certificate required by the Zoning Ordinance shall be issued until and unless all improvements required by this chapter have been made in accordance with the City’s plans and specifications and accepted by the Council or as may otherwise be provided for elsewhere in this chapter.