For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGRICULTURE WASTES.  Solid wastes resulting from the production of farm or agricultural products before processing.
   ASHES.  The residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible material.
   COMMERCIAL WASTE.  All solid waste emanating from establishments engaged in business. The category includes but is not limited to solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters, trailer courts or camps and others.
   DISPOSAL.  The storage, collection, disposal or handling of refuse.
   GARBAGE.  All waste and accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter that attends or results from the preparation, use, handling, cooking, serving or storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable matter of any nature whatsoever which is subject to decay, putrefaction and the generation of noxious and offensive gases or odors or which may serve as breeding or feeding material for flies and/or other germ-carrying insects.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE.  Those materials which, because of their inherent nature and/or quantities, require special handling during disposal to avoid creating environmental damage or hazards to public health and safety. HAZARDOUS WASTE includes but is not limited to such items as petroleum wastes; paints, plastics; explosives; acid; caustics; chemicals; poisons; drugs; radioactive materials; asbestos fibers; imported wool fibers; pathogenic wastes from hospitals, sanatoriums, nursing homes, clinics and veterinary hospitals; wastes from slaughterhouses, poultry plants and the like. (Residential solid waste normally contains some hazardous waste materials, but because such materials are usually present in very small quantities, their safe disposal either in a sanitary landfill or incinerator presents no special problem. Therefore, residential waste is not considered to be hazardous within the mean of HAZARDOUS WASTE as used in this chapter.)
   INERT WASTE.  Concrete, tile, bricks, ash, rubble, building materials, appliances, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, washers, dryers, tires, machinery, metals and other like inert material.
   INSTITUTIONAL WASTE.  All solid waste emanating from institutions, such as but not limited to hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, schools and universities or colleges, public or private, apartments or multi-family buildings.
   LANDFILL.  The depository for solid waste which, from time to time, shall be approved by all state and local governmental agencies and authorities for the receipt of solid waste described in this subchapter.
   PERSON.  Any natural person, association, partnership, firm or corporation.
   PREMISES.  Land, buildings or other structures, vehicles, watercraft or parts thereof upon or in which refuse is stored
   REFUSE.  All solid wastes, except body wastes, and shall include garbage, ashes and trash.
   RESIDENTIAL APPROVED CONTAINERS.  Any approved tied plastic bags and/or plastic galvanized metal trash cans, not to exceed 32 gallons or 40 pounds for residential waste.
   RESIDENTIAL WASTE.  Solid wastes resulting from household wastes.
   RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY.  The legally designated authority of the town so authorized and directed to implement and enforce the provisions of this subchapter.
   SEWAGE. Human excrement, kitchen, laundry, shower, lavatory or industrial wastes as may be present from residences, buildings, vehicles, industrial establishments or other places.
   TRASH.  Accumulation of rubbish, such as but not necessarily limited to sweepings, dust, rags, bottles, jars or other waste materials of any kind which are usually attendant to domestic households or housekeeping and the premises upon which said households are located. Accumulations of lawn, grass or shrubbery cuttings, clippings and dry leaf rakings, small tree branches (shall not exceed four feet in length and three inches in diameter), bushes or shrubs, green leaf cuttings, fruits or other matter usually created as refuse in the care of lawns and yards, except large branches, trees or bulky or noncombustible materials not susceptible to normal loading and collection in load-packer-type sanitation equipment used for regular collections from domestic households. Tree trimmings shall be tied in bundles not exceeding four feet in length and weighing over 60 pounds and shall be placed at the curb for pickup.
(1996 Code, § 135-1)