(A)   The application for a zoning variance may be made by any property owner, tenant, government official, department, board or bureau.
   (B)   The application shall be made to the Zoning Administrator in accordance with rules adopted by the Board.
   (C)   The application and accompanying maps, plans or other information shall be transmitted promptly to the searching of the Board.
   (D)   Not more than 60 days after filing such application, a hearing shall be held on the application.
   (E)   Notice of the hearing shall be in accordance with the hearing procedures of the Board.
   (F)   A fee set by Council from time to time plus an additional fee for each registered letter sent to adjoining property owners, payable to the town shall be charged to partially defray the cost of review and processing for each application for a variance, except that the fee shall be waived for any governmental agency.
(1996 Code, § 176-160)