(A)   No officially designated historic landmark within any historic district shall be allowed to deteriorate due to neglect by the owner which would result in violation of the intent of this section. “Demolition” by neglect shall include any one or more of the following courses of action or inaction:
      (1)   Deterioration of the exterior of a building to the extent that it creates or permits a hazardous or unsafe condition;
      (2)   Deterioration of exterior walls or other vertical supports, horizontal members, roofs, chimneys, exterior wall elements such as siding, wooden walls, brick plaster or mortar, to the extent that it adversely affects the character of the historic district or could reasonably lead to irreversible damage to the structure; and/or
      (3)   Action by any governmental authority relative to the safety or physical condition of any building.
   (B)   In the event that the ARB determines that a structure in an historic district is being “demolished by neglect,” it shall so notify the owner stating the reasons therefor, and shall give the owner 90 days from the date of the notice in which to commence work. If appropriate action is not taken in this time, the Zoning Administrator will initiate appropriate legal action as provided herein.
(1996 Code, § 176-136)