(A)   Districts may hereafter be created which are designated as Historic Districts (HD) within the definition of historic district as defined in the VA Code§§ 10.1-2200 et seq. Said districts shall be created by amendment of this chapter.
   (B)   Pursuant to the provisions of VA Code §§ 10.1-2200 et seq., as amended, for the purpose of promoting the general welfare, education and recreational pleasure of the public, through the perpetuation of those areas or individual structures and premises which have been or may be officially designated by the Town Council as having historic or architectural significance, historic districts are created. Regulations within such districts are intended to protect against deterioration, destruction of or encroachment upon such areas, structures and premises; to encourage uses which will lead to their continuance, conservation and improvement in an appropriate manner; and to assure that new structures and uses within such districts will be in keeping with the character to be preserved and enhanced.
   (C)   It is further the intent of this subchapter that the Town Council, along with the Planning Commission, shall seek and obtain the advice and assistance of the Architectural Review Board, created herein, as well as other organizations or individuals qualified by interest, training and experience in achieving the objectives as set forth.
(1996 Code, § 176-130)