(A)   General purpose of Industrial Districts.
      (1)   The industrial district established by this chapter is designed to promote and protect the health, safety and general welfare.
      (2)   These general goals include:
         (a)   To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations which are adequately served by community facilities to meet the needs for industrial expansion in the town;
         (b)   To encourage industrial development which is free from hazards to the public health and which is environmentally safe and nonpolluting;
         (c)   To protect industrial activities against congestion, encroachment from incompatible land uses and other adverse characteristics;
         (d)   To protect adjacent residential and commercial areas from incompatible land uses and offensive influences; and
         (e)   To promote the most efficient and desirable use of land.
(1996 Code, § 176-89)
   (B)   Purpose and intent.
      (1)   This district is designed to provide space for a limited range of industrial uses which have high performance standards and the least objectionable characteristics.
      (2)   In this district, all industrial operations shall be carried on within completely enclosed buildings, thus preventing any adverse characteristics from affecting neighboring properties.
      (3)   Residential uses are excluded from this district.
      (4)   Only those community facility and commercial uses which are essential to provide needed services for industry are permitted in this district.
(1996 Code, § 176-90)
   (C)   Uses.
      (1)   Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
         (a)   Assembly of electrical appliances, electronic instruments and devices, radios and phonographs. Also the manufacture of small parts, such as coils, condensers, transformers and crystal holders;
         (b)   Automobile assembling, painting, upholstering, repairing, rebuilding, reconditioning, body and fender work, truck repairing or overhauling;
         (c)   Blacksmith shop, welding or machine shop, excluding punch presses exceeding forty-ton rated capacity and drop hammers;
         (d)   Laboratories, pharmaceutical or medical;
         (e)   Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, perfumed toilet soap, toiletries and food products;
         (f)   Manufacture, compounding, assembling or treatment of merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, metal, paper, plastic, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, rubber, shell, straw, textiles, tobacco, wood, yarn and paint;
         (g)   Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas;
         (h)   Building material sales yard, plumbing supplies storage;
         (i)   Contractors’ equipment storage yards or plants, or rental of equipment commonly used by contractors;
         (j)   Cabinets, furniture and upholstery shops;
         (k)   Boatbuilding;
         (l)   Monumental stone works;
         (m)   Veterinary or dog or cat hospital, kennels;
         (n)   Wholesale businesses, storage warehouses;
         (o)   Truck terminals; and
         (p)   Public utility generating, booster or relay stations, transformer substations, transmission lines and towers, and other facilities for the provision and maintenance of public utilities, including railroads and facilities, and water and sewerage installations.
      (2)   Permitted accessory uses shall be as follows:
         (a)   Signs in accordance with the regulations of § 153.081;
         (b)   Accessory off-street parking and loading facilities as required in § 153.067; and
         (c)   Accessory structures customarily incidental to a permitted use.
      (3)   The following activities may be permitted only as a conditional use in accordance with §§ 153.160 through 153.167 and division (H)(1) below.
         (a)   Convenience sales and service; and
         (b)   Food service.
      (4)   Any use not allowed by right, by accessory use or by conditional use is prohibited in the I District.
(1996 Code, § 176-91)
   (D)   Bulk regulations.
      (1)   Minimum required lot area. Within the I District, there is no minimum lot size.
      (2)   Maximum lot coverage. Within the I District, the maximum lot coverage for all structures, including accessory structures, shall not exceed 50% of the total lot area.
      (3)   Maximum height. The maximum height of a front wall or other portion of a building or other structure shall be 35 feet above the curb level. However, this limitation shall not apply to: belfries; spires; flagpoles; or antennas.
(1996 Code, § 176-92)
   (E)   Yard requirements. These basic provisions apply to all lots within the I District.
      (1)   Front yards shall be a minimum of 40 feet. On double frontage and corner lots, there shall be a front yard on each street.
      (2)   Side yards shall be a minimum of 50 feet where the lot adjoins a residential district. For all other lots within the I District, the minimum side yard shall be 25 feet.
      (3)   Rear yards shall be a minimum of 50 feet where the lot adjoins a residential district. For all other lots within the I District, the minimum rear yard shall be 25 feet.
(1996 Code, § 176-93)
   (F)   Use of required yard areas. The following uses may be made of yard areas in the I District:
      (1)   Landscaping. All yards not occupied by driveways and sidewalks shall be devoted to landscaping as defined in § 153.007;
      (2)   Driveways; and
      (3)   Sidewalks.
(1996 Code, § 176-94)
   (G)   Site plan review.
      (1)   For all proposed development within the I District, prior to issuance of a building permit, a site plan for the use and development of the entire tract shall be submitted to the Planning Commission. The site plan shall conform to the following requirements:
         (a)   Be drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet;
         (b)   Include the following:
            1.   All existing and proposed roads and drainage ways;
            2.   Curb cuts, drives and parking areas;
            3.   Landscaping and planting screens;
            4.   Building lines enclosing the portion of the tract within which buildings are to be erected;
            5.   The proposed use of the land and buildings; and
            6.   The existing zoning.
         (c)   Include a vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed development to:
            1.   The entire town;
            2.   The street system;
            3.   The surrounding use districts; and
            4.   Surrounding properties.
         (d)   Provide a form for certification by the owner and trustee of the mortgage, if any, that they adopt the plan, and dedicate the streets as shown on the plan and agree to make any required improvements of adjacent streets as shown on the plan.
      (2)   If the proposed building or use is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter a permit shall be issued to the applicant by the Administrator.
(1996 Code, § 176-95)
   (H)   Other requirements.
      (1)   Commercial activities. The commercial activities permitted in division (C)(3) above shall be permitted only when such services are designed to serve occupants and portions of the permitted use and are conducted in spaces which are integral parts of the main building.
      (2)   Enclosure requirements. All uses shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings except for parking and loading, exterior storage and other accessory uses which by their nature must exist outside a building.
      (3)   Exterior storage. Exterior storage may be permitted in the side and rear of the principal building only, provided the location, extent and screening of storage is approved as a part of the site plan by the Planning Commission; and further, provided that exterior storage shall be screened from public view by a suitable fence, wall or hedge not exceeding 15 feet in height with the stored materials to be kept at least two feet below the top of such screen.
      (4)   Surfacing of storage areas. All storage areas shall be surfaced to provide a durable and dust-free surface. All areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water in the area.
(1996 Code, § 176-96)