In order to implement all purposes and provisions of this chapter, the lands within the corporate limits of the town are divided into districts designated as follows:
   (A)   Open Space and Agriculture Districts:
      (1)   CN Conservation; and
      (2)   A Agriculture.
   (B)   Residential Districts:
      (1)   R-1 Medium Density Residential;
      (2)   R-2 Multi-Family Residential; and
      (3)   MHP Mobile Home Park.
   (C)   Commercial Districts:
      (1)   NC Neighborhood Commercial;
      (2)   CC Core Commercial; and
      (3)   GC General Commercial.
   (D)   Industrial Districts: I Industrial;
   (E)   Flood Hazard District; and
   (F)   Historic District.
(1996 Code, § 176-16)