(A)   New uses, lots, buildings or other structures. Upon the effective date of this chapter any new building or other structure or any tract of land shall be used, constructed or developed only in accordance with the use, bulk and all other applicable provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Existing uses, lots, buildings or other structures.
      (1)   Any existing use legally established prior to the effective date of this chapter which does not comply with its provisions shall be subject to the nonconfonning use provision in §§ 153.141 et seq.
      (2)   Any existing lot, parcel, building or other structure legally established prior to the effective date of this chapter which does not comply with its provisions, other than use provisions, shall be subject to the nonconforming regulations in §§ 153.141 et seq.
      (3)   Alteration of existing buildings and other structures. All structural alterations or relocation of existing buildings or structures occurring after the effective date of this chapter and all enlargements of or additions to existing uses occurring hereafter shall be subject to all regulations of this chapter which are applicable to the zoning districts in which such buildings, uses or land shall be located.
(1996 Code, § 176-14)