§ 151.02  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The general purpose of this chapter is to establish certain subdivision standards and procedures for the town. It is part of a long-range plant to guide and facilitate the orderly beneficial growth of the community, and to promote the public safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare. These standards and procedures can provide a guide for the change that occurs when lands and acreage become urban in character as a result of residential, commercial or industrial development, and can make possible the provision of public services in a safe, adequate and efficient manner. Subdivided land sooner or later becomes a public responsibility in that roads and streets must be maintained and numerous public services customary to urbanized areas must be provided. This chapter assists the community in meeting these responsibilities.
   (B)   More specifically, the regulations included herein are designed to bring about the coordination of streets within subdivisions with other existing and planned streets; to provide for the safe and efficient circulation of traffic; to avoid hazardous intersections and other dangerous conditions; to provide adequate drainage, and water and sewer systems; to establish construction standards for streets and other improvements; to lessen flood damage and to control erosion and sedimentation; to ensure that land is platted and developed in a way that is consonant with the efficient and economic use of public funds; to require the proper legal description and monumenting of subdivided land; and to assure that the purchasers of lots are offered a commodity that is suitable for development and use.
(1996 Code, § 143-2)