1.   Locate center point and establish an axis.
2.   Establish intervals for residential and business.
3.   Establish boundary of business section.
4.   Measure off intervals along axis.
5.   Even numbers on south and west, odd numbers on north and east.
6.   Change blocks (100’s) at each intersection or right-of-way. (Use professional judgment).
7.   Each street off of axis begins with 100.
8.   Streets which begin one block from an axis starts with a 200 number, two blocks a 300 number, three blocks a 400 number, etc.
9.   A looped street would receive numbers as if it were straight, i.e., numbers do not change with curves, even if odd numbers are no longer on the north and east or even numbers on the south and west.
10.   A Y intersection does not constitute a block unless there is space for homes inside the triangle. Example:
11.   House numbers are assigned as to where the primary entrance is located.
(1996 Code, § 83-Att-1)