(A)   Approval required. Review and acceptance of the approving authority shall be obtained prior to the discharge into the public sewers of any wastes and waters having the following:
      (1)   A five-day 20°C biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) greater than 240 parts per million;
      (2)   Suspended solids content greater than 240 parts per million; and/or
      (3)   Chlorine demand greater than five parts per million.
   (B)   Pretreatment. Where required, in the opinion of the approving authority, to modify or eliminate wastes that are harmful to the structures, process or operation of the sewage disposal works, the permittee shall provide, at his or her expense, such preliminary treatment or processing facilities as may be determined necessary to render his or her wastes acceptable for admission to the public sewer.
   (C)   Submission of information. Design calculations, plans, specifications and other pertinent information relating to proposed industrial waste pretreatment or processing facilities shall be submitted for approval or disapproval by the approving authority prior to start of their construction if the effluent from such facilities is to be discharged into the public sewers. The following industrial sewer connection application shall be fully completed and submitted to the approving authority. The permittee shall not connect to the public sewer without prior approval by the approving authority of the permittee’s industrial sewer connection application. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to file an amendment for approval to the permit 30 days prior to the change of any item of information on the permit. Failure to maintain the permit as an accurate representation of the permittee’s waste discharges to public sewers shall be cause for penalty.
   (D)   Preapplication conference. Prior to filing an industrial sewer connection application, the permittee shall consult with the approving authority or his or her duly authorized representative concerning the types, concentration and volumes of industrial wastes proposed for discharge. Conditional approval as to the general requirements must be obtained from the approving authority prior to preparation of the industrial sewer connection application.
To the Town of Independence, Grayson County, Virginia:
The undersigned being the _____________________________________
                        (owner, lessee, tenant, etc.)
of the property located at _______________________________________  does hereby request a permit to _________________ an industrial sewer connection serving the ____________________
            (install, use)                                    (name of company)
   which company is engaged in _________________________ at said location.
(1)   A plan of the property showing accurately all sewers and drains now existing is attached hereunto as Exhibit A.
(2)   Plans and specifications covering any work proposed to be performed under this permit is attached hereunto as Exhibit B.
(3)   A complete schedule of all process waters and industrial wastes produced or expected to be produced at said property, including a description of the character of each waste, the daily volume and maximum rates of discharge, and representative analyses, is attached hereunto as Exhibit C.
(4)   The name and address of the person or firm who will perform the work covered by this permit is __________________________________.
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the undersigned agrees:
(5)   To furnish any additional information relating to the installation or use of the industrial sewer for which this permit is sought as may be requested by the Superintendent.
(6)   To accept and abide by all provisions of Ordinance No. ________________ of the Town of Independence, Virginia, and of all other pertinent ordinances or regulations that may be adopted in the future.
(7)   To operate and maintain any waste pretreatment facilities, as may be required as a condition of the acceptance into the public sewer of the industrial wastes involved, in an efficient manner at all times and at no expense to the town.
(8)   To cooperate at all times with the Superintendent and his or her representatives in their inspecting, sampling and study of the industrial wastes and any facilities provided by pretreatment.
(9)   To notify the Superintendent immediately in the event of any accident, negligence or other occurrence that occasions discharge to the public sewers of any wastes or process waters not covered by this permit.
Date __________________      Signed    ____________________________________
                           (address of applicant)
                           (certification by Town Clerk)
$ __________   inspection fee paid
Application approved and permit approved:
Date: ___________________      Signed ______________________________________
(1996 Code, § 128-43)