Proposed Ordinance – Amending Ordinance No. 1997-O-13 Relating to Building Codes – 1st Reading
33.   Mayor Moriconi presented for a first reading a proposed ordinance relating to the adoption of the building codes. He yielded the floor to Mr. Deters for further explanation. Mr. Deters advised council that the city adopts the uniform building codes and that this proposed ordinance would adopt the most recent updates, that being the 2002 Kentucky Residential Code; in effect keeping the city current with operating under the uniform codes. Mayor Moriconi stated it is a formality to adopt the building codes by ordinance and basically a little ‘housekeeping’ of the ordinance currently in effect. Mr. Deters read the proposed ordinance. Mayor Moriconi advised this ordinance would be on the agenda of the next regular business meeting for a second reading.