Motor Vehicle dealers may conduct temporary off-site vehicular sales events (“Tent Sales”) or vehicular display events in the Neighborhood Shopping Center (NSC) zone within the City of Independence upon the following conditions.
(A) The dealer must obtain a permit from the city. Contents of permit application must contain the following information:
(1) Name, address, telephone number and signature of the owner of the property where the display is proposed to be located;
(2) Indicate any existing development, structures and types of uses on the site as well as on adjoining sites of the proposed temporary off-site sales or display event;
(3) Estimate the maximum number of parking spaces to be used by the temporary off-site sales or display event; the number of parking spaces to be “borrowed” from the sites principal use;
(4) All sales and activities for the event, or any part thereof, shall be held only on a paved surface;
(5) Accurately state and describe the amount and type of goods or services to be on display;
(6) State the dates the display is to be located on the site; and
(7) Depict all structures, regardless of nature, to be part of the temporary off-site sales or display events, including tents, canopies, fences, or barriers of any kind.
(B) The zoning administrator shall review the application and determine whether or not the plan conforms to these regulations and all other applicable provisions of the zoning regulations.
(C) Fee. At the time of application for a temporary off-site sales or display event, the applicant shall pay in full to the city a fee of $250.00 per event.
(D) Sales and contractors allowed. At any temporary off-site sales or display event for which a permit has been issued, sales or contracts for selling or providing the goods or services that are the subject of the approved temporary off-site sales or display event shall be allowed, provided the seller has all the appropriate city business, sales and/or occupational license, and the like.
(E) Limit of permits on each site. The purpose of these regulations is to provide limited duration rather than to establish a regular or long-term use of land, therefore no permit shall be issued for a site under this regulation that has had three (3) prior temporary off-site sales or display event permits issued during the same calendar year for the same site.
(F) The dealer shall comply with the conditions set forth in 605 KAR (Kentucky Administrative Regulations) 1:060.
(G) That the property owner of the site and dealer comply with all planning and zoning requirements for temporary sales, if there are any in place, or that such requirement be waived by a letter signed by the executive authority of the city. It is the specific intent of this chapter to allow and favor temporary off-site sales recognizing that strict compliance with planning and zoning requirements for permanent vehicular sales would likely be prohibitive.
(Ord. 2011-O-19, passed 11-7-11)