§ 153.02 AMENDMENTS.
   The subdivision regulations adopted by reference in § 153.01 above, shall be amended as follows:
   (A)   New alternative subdivision regulation Section 7.1D shall read as follows:
      “Except as herein provided, individual on-site sewage disposal systems may be permitted in those areas identified on the Kenton County Comprehensive Plan as “Urban/Suburban Focus Area” and “Rural Focus Area”, in accordance with the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction - Division of Plumbing Regulations. Furthermore, individual on-site sewage disposal systems may be permitted only under the following conditions:
      1) Such on-site systems shall be permitted to be located on sites along existing, improved and newly constructed streets, except that any existing right-of-way and pavement width may be widened where required by these regulations.
      2) The site shall contain a minimum area of one (1) acre with a minimum lot width at the setback line of 100 feet.
      3) Said system shall be provided with an aerobic type (aerator) treatment plant which will be effective until a connection is made to a centralized sewer system, except that in the “Rural Focus Area” the on-site sewage disposal system shall be in accordance with the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction - Division of Plumbing Regulations.
      In the event that existing sanitary sewer lines are located within a reasonable distance of the site, as determined by the planning commission's duly authorized representative, then said site shall be connected to the public sanitary sewer system. Where permitted, under these regulations, all such systems shall also be approved by the appropriate agencies.
(Am. Ord. 4-12-78, passed 12-4-78)
   (B)   Section 6.0, G, shall read as follows with the adopted amendment indicated as underlined:
   "G." Street Names and House Numbers:
      1.   Duplication: The name of a new street shall not duplicate existing or platted street names in the county, or approximate such names in spelling, or sound or pronunciation, or by the use of alternate prefixes such as "North", "South", or such suffixes as "Lane", "Way", "Drive", "Avenue", "Street", etc.
      2.   Continuation of Streets: New street names shall bear the same name of any continuation of, or when in alignment with, an existing or platted street.
      3.   Approval of Street Names: All street names shall be approved by the planning commission's duly authorized representative, before approval of the final plat.
      4.   House Numbers: House numbers shall be assigned by the planning commission's duly authorized representative before approval of the final plat."
   (C)   Section 3.16 shall read as follows:
   A.   GENERAL: In accord with the Horizontal Property Law (KRS 381.805 - 381.910), whenever a developer, the sole owner, or the co-owners of a building or buildings constructed or to be constructed, expressly declare, through the recordation of a master deed or lease, a condominium property regime may be established. Once the property is submitted to the condominium property regime, a unit in the building(s) may be individually conveyed and may be the subject of ownership possession or sale and other acts as if it were sole and entirely independent of the other units in the building(s) of which they form a part and the corresponding individual titles and interest shall be recordable. It is the purpose of the condominium property regime plat to provide a process whereby two (2) or more apartments, townhouses, rooms, office spaces, or other units in existing or proposed buildings or structures may be subdivided and offered or proposed to be offered for sale in accordance with requirements as established by these regulations. In order to be processed as a condominium property regime plat, the following requirements must be met in addition to other requirements of these regulations and applicable sections of KRS 381.805 to 381.910:
   1.   The condominium project will not involve the construction of any public streets, water lines, storm and sanitary sewers which require review and processing through preliminary and final plat procedures.
   2.   The condominium project will not involve the subdivision and conveyance of land with any unit within the condominium property regime for which other processes are available.
   B.   SUBMISSION OF CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME PLATS: The developer shall submit to the planning commission's duly authorized representative, five (5) copies of the final plat drawing prepared in accordance with Article V of these regulations. In addition to other requirements of these regulations, the final plat shall show the location of the building or buildings proposed for the condominium project. Simultaneously, with the submission of the final plat, there shall be attached five (5) copies of a set of floor plans of the building or buildings in accord with KRS 381.835 bearing the certification of a registered architect or professional engineer.
   At this time, the following information shall be filed with the planning commission's duly authorized representative:
   1.   Application for Condominium Property Regime Plat Approval: An application form provided by the commission, shall be submitted (see Appendix E) at the time of filing for Condominium Property Regime Plat approval.
   2.   Traverse Sheets: One (1) copy of the traverse calculations. The minimum traverse calculations required shall include a closed traverse of the property (as per Section 5.0, B).
   3.   Master Deed or Lease: One (1) copy of the master deed or lease, in accord with the requirements of KRS 381.835 to 381.837.
   4.   Condominium Property Regime Plat Fees: Plat fees shall be submitted the same as for Final Plats, in accord with Section 8.1 of these regulations.
   C.   PROCESSING OF CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME PLATS: The planning commission's duly authorized representative shall review the condominium property regime plats for conformance to the applicable requirements of Article V or these regulations and KRS 381.805 to 381.910. Following the review, the planning commission's duly authorized representative shall forward its recommendation and/or comments to the planning commission. The planning commission shall then review the recommendations of its duly authorized representative and shall take one of the following actions: (1) approve the condominium property regime plats; (2) or disapprove the condominium property regime plats. Should the planning commission disapprove the plats, written notice of such action, including the reasons for disapproval, shall be mailed to the subdivider by the planning commission's duly authorized representative. The action shall be entered in the official records of the planning commission. If approved and signed by the chairman of the planning commission, the original condominium property regime plats shall be recorded simultaneously with the master deed or lease in the county clerk's office per the county's requirements."
(Am. Ord. 2015-O-01, passed 1-5-15)