There shall be two (2) types of speed hump categories: Residential and Bypasses. The qualifying criteria for each category is as follows:
   (A)   Residential.
The segment must be 750 feet in length between traffic controls, four way intersections, and/or curves with less than a 250-foot radius. Property owners within 1,000 feet of the proposed speed hump location shall receive a ballot.
The segment must be 500 feet in length between traffic controls, four-way intersections, and/or curves with less than a 250-foot radius.
Posted speed limit must be 30 mph or less.
Posted speed limit must be 30 mph or less.
Street frontage of subject street segment must be at least 75% residential.
Street frontage of subject street segment must be at least 75% residential.
Street will not be considered for speed humps, but will be considered for speed lumps if it is a part of the Regional Transit bus network, or identified as an emergency response route by the Fire Department.
Street will not be considered for speed humps, but will be considered for speed lumps.
A minimum of 75% of ballots mailed shall be returned and a two-thirds majority of residents that vote are in favor of the installation of speed humps.
A minimum of 50% of ballots mailed shall be returned. A speed survey shall be used as the primary determination for the percentage of property owners required to install a speed hump. If the speed survey shall indicate that the 85th percentile speed is at eight or more miles per hour over the speed, than 51 % of the property owners need to vote in favor of the installation of speed humps.* If the speed survey shall indicate that the 85th percentile speed is between five and seven miles per hour over the speed limit than 75% of the property owners need to vote in favor of the installation of speed humps.
A speed survey shall indicate that the 85th percentile speed is at five or more miles per hour over the speed limit.
Minimum average daily traffic (ADT) of 500 vehicles per day.
The street(s) must serve to bypass** major streets with a four-way stop, a signalized intersection, or another street with speed humps.
   (B)   Bypass.
         (1)   * One (1) vote per parcel per property owner.
         (2)   ** To be considered a “bypass” location, the ADT must be at least 50% higher than the volume that would be expected using the following trip generation rates: ten (10) trips/day/single family residential (SFR) unit, six (6) trips/day/multi family residential (MFR) unit, fifty (50) trips/day/acre of school, and five (5) trips/day/acre of park. Land uses which do not front the bypass locations itself, but which could reasonably be expected to use the bypass street(s) should be considered when determining the expected volume.
(Ord. 2004-O-07, passed 4-5-04; Am. Ord. 2016-O-08, passed 8-15-16)