The following acts, action, inaction, omissions, behavior, or conditions shall constitute a public nuisance:
   (A)   Any act, thing, occupation, condition, use of property, non-use of property, misuse of property that continues for a length of time so as to:
      (1)   Substantially annoy, injure, or endanger the comfort, health, repose or safety of the public;
      (2)   In any way render the public insecure in life, peaceful uninterrupted existence, or in the use of their property;
      (3)   Offend the public morals or decency;
      (4)   Unlawfully and substantially interfere with, obstruct or tend to obstruct, or render dangerous for passage any street, alley, highway, navigable body of water, or other public way, including but not limited to sidewalks.
   (B)   To allow any physical condition, use, or occupancy of any premises or its appurtenances be an attractive nuisance to children, including, but not limited to, abandoned wells, shafts, standing pools of water or liquid, basements, excavations, retaining walls, and unsafe fences, accessible to children or other persons, on the premises. No person shall abandon or leave unattended in any place accessible to children any refrigerator, freezer ice chest, ice box, or similar airtight box or container, which has a locking device inoperable from within, without first unhinging and removing the door or lid thereof or detaching the locking device from the door or lid. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the normal use of any refrigerator, ice box, freezer, or similar appliance for the storage of food in any home or buildings appurtenant thereto.
   (C)   For any premises to have unsanitary, defective, or insufficient sewerage or plumbing facilities.
   (D)   To keep or maintain any premises designated by a Code Enforcement Officer as unsafe or unfit for human habitation.
   (E)   For any premises to present an imminent fire hazard, be in imminent danger of collapse, or to be unsafe or unsecure so as to endanger life, limb, or property.
   (F)   (1)   For any premises to lack electrical service, plumbing, heating, and/or other equipment required by this Code, the Property Maintenance Code, state statute or any other ordinance of the city/Unincorporated Kenton County.
      (2)   If the utility providing natural gas service to a furnace, water heater, or other equipment determines that the equipment is defective, the utility shall cite or "red tag" the defective equipment and notify the Code Enforcement Officer of such citation. Any equipment so cited by a utility company as defective will be deemed a public nuisance.
   (G)   For any structure or building to be in a state of dilapidation, deterioration, or decay, or be a product of faulty construction.
   (H)   For any structure or building to be vacant or abandoned and open or accessible to vagrants or passersby, or damaged by fire so as to not provide shelter.
   (I)   To allow any rubbish to remain on any premises.
   (J)   To allow any premises or structure to pollute any public well or cistern, stream, lake, canal, or body of water by sewage, creamery, or industrial wastes or other polluting substances.
   (K)   To allow any premises or structure within the city/Unincorporated Kenton County, to emit or cause any foul, offensive, noisome, nauseous, noxious, or disagreeable odors, effluvia or stenches repulsive to the physical senses of ordinary persons, or that annoy, cause discomfort, or injure the health of any appreciable number of persons within the city/Unincorporated Kenton County.
   (L)   Harboring or keeping any animal of the dog kind which by loud and frequent or habitual barking, howling, or yelping, shall cause serious annoyance or disturbance to adjacent residents in the neighborhood.
   (M)   The keeping of fowl within the city, in which the keeping is in violation of Ordinance No. 2015-O-03.
   (N)   Emission of noxious odors or smoke into the surrounding atmosphere of dust, smoke, or other matter which renders ordinary use or physical occupation of other property in the vicinity uncomfortable or impossible.
   (O)   Emission of noise or sounds which is noxious enough to destroy the enjoyment of dwellings or other uses of property in the vicinity by interfering with the ordinary comforts of human existence.
   (P)   Storage of explosives or combustible material. The storage of combustible or explosive material which creates a safety hazard to other property or persons in the vicinity.
   (Q)   Any tree, stack of wood or trees, or other object standing in such a condition that it will, if the condition is allowed to continue, endanger the life, limb, or property of, or cause hurt, damage, or injury to persons or property upon the public streets or public ways adjacent thereto, by the falling thereof or of parts thereof.
   (R)   The operation of any ATV within the city:
      (1)   On any day, before 8:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., prevailing time, except:
         (a)   The otherwise lawful operation of an ATV during a legal hunting season when the ATV is actually being utilized to assist the person hunting; or
         (b)   The otherwise lawful operation of an ATV when the ATV is being used to assist in an emergency agricultural use. An emergency agricultural use shall be defined as a situation which, if not addressed immediately, will likely result in the significant loss of property or an imminent threat to the safety of livestock and/or people. In this situation, the user is expected to expeditiously complete the minimum work necessary to correct the emergency situation and, if necessary, return to complete full repairs between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.;
      (2)   Without the muffler system provided by the manufacturer, without any modification thereof other than like kind parts replacement, and which prevents the emission of sound from the ATV in excess of the levels identified in 40 CFR 205.166 for motorcycles; or
      (3)   At any speed in excess of the minimum speed required to maintain the forward motion of the ATV while it is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any dwelling on a lot or parcel of real estate other than that upon which the ATV is being operated.
   (S)   Any fire, other than that of candles, torches and grills, that is outside of any building of any material other than paper, wood, charcoal, propane or natural gas.
   (T)   To allow any motor vehicle to be parked on an unpaved (concrete or blacktop) surface, unless a legal nonconforming use pursuant to law.
(Ord. 2016-O-12, passed 11-14-16)